No Jury Duty Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

When you get up at 4:30am and aren't really sure about the time and you decide to check the Hermosa Pier (#1)...  "Oh, the sun's not close to being up yet..."

Partly cloudy this morning and 8 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the east by 2.7kts and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air was a chilly 48.8 and the water is still holding in the 60's at 62.1.  High tide was at 7:50am +6.3' and low tide will be at 3:00pm -0.7'.  There's a SSW swell out of 209º at 2.3' and it was 2' to 3' and fun to funner...

Later it's high tide and the kiddos were having a good time (#2), of course we had to report for jury duty.  What hasn't been said about jury duty.  Maybe something like it's really a worthwhile experience.  We're one of the few societies that have a peer justice system.  That's right.  The judges don't decide.  The attorneys don't decide.  It's a panel of twelve citizens who make the decision...  Kind of a novel notion.  In our case the defendant heard the jurors walking into the room and decided to opt for the plea bargain...  Nothing like a room full of angry, blood -thirsty individuals who couldn't figure out how to avoid jury duty to set those criminals on the straight and narrow...

You are remembering the Laurel Tavern on Friday at 5:30?  It's not the same without you and of course it's twice as good if you're there.  These, of course, are estimates and actual results may vary with the amount of alcohol imbibed and the number of guests in attendance...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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