Greta Thunberg Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Here's hoping 2020 will be the year of Greta (#1) and everyone who values the importance of reversing the effects of climate change.  For those of us who are in the water and see some of the effects first hand, we welcome the attention she brings to the struggle.  Doesn't seem to be much of a stretch that she looks like depictions of the Virgin Mary with the stars around her head...  Go girl...

A beautiful morning this, with 10 miles visibility under mostly clear skies.  Winds were stiff offshore by 5 to 6kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 51.0 and the water is 59.9.  Not bad for January...  Low tide was at 9:15am +2.6' and high tide follows at 2:00pm +3.3'.  We have a west swell out of 270º at 4.6' and it was 4' to 6'+ at most spots...

Never realized how picturesque the walk down to Sapphire (#2) could be...  Palms swaying, bougainvillea and eucalyptus under the brilliant blue sky, along with the anticipation of some waves at the end of the walkway...

And BOOM!  There you are looking at Sapphire and Topaz (#3) with just enough room for you to take your spot and get a few good ones!

You ever wonder how Santa keeps track?  Well, there are lots of ways, but we've discovered that he especially favors these fish-eye mirrored balls (#4) that are almost everywhere you go.  He's a sly mongoose, so we sometimes wear disguises so he has to work harder...  Here we've donned our doctor's smock and checking if they need any help at Kaiser...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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