Like A Fart In A Trance Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

A number of folks have distinguished themselves this last year.  We featured Greta Thunberg yesterday and today we have to mention Lima Leko.  First of all she might be the hardest working 70 year old on the planet.  On New Year's Eve she catered a party for her Lithuanian church.  On Christmas Eve she catered a party for at least 200 at St. Casimir's (Lithuanian Catholic Church.)  What she can't stand is inactivity.  If she sees you standing there with your hands in your pocket, she just might say, "You're standing there like a fart in a trance, do something!"  So don't be a fart in a trance!

A beautiful morning with high clouds and 10+ miles visibility.  Winds were off by 3 to 5kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 51.5 and the water is 60.1, staying close to that magic 60 mark.  Low tide was at 10:43am +2.1' and high tide follows at 3:46pm +3.0'.  We have a west swell out of 270 degrees at 4.3' and it was 2' to 6'.  Everyone expected things to be a bit better this morning, but Hermosa was walled-big faces-crashing and Sapphire was small...  But we found some grovelers...

Meanwhile, one of the advantages of your Apple Watch is that you can track your waves on it!  Kinda, cool, except be prepared to surrender control of your life...  Manzanillo Bay Mexico (#1)...

Robert's Russian Cuisine (#2) for your dining and cultural pleasure.  They feature one of the smallest large screen TV's, apparently made out of reconstituted Lada's, playing Russian music videos.  The food, however, is fabulous and if you go with the proper escort, you might get special treatment...

Got this photo (#3) from the Sensei Joey of last night's sunset.  A lot of places make a big deal about their sunsets, but we have nothing to be ashamed of ourselves...  Go ahead Santorini, beat this...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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