President's Day Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Touching down to honor our past presidents, we thought we'd take a look at the current conditions, take a look at our last re-con to Idaho and pre-post our next adventure...

Foggies this morning with 100 to 200 yards visibility.  Finally clearing around 9-ish to 10-ish.  Winds were out of the east by 2.3kts and the sea surface, when visible, was smooth.  The air was a damp 48.3 and the water is 59.7.  High tide was early at 4:16am +5.1' and low tide will be at 11:56am -0.1'.  We have a west swell out of 262º at 2.3' and it was 1' to 3' from south to north...

On top of old Brundage, all covered with snow, (#1) we skied for four days with a bit of an hot springs break in between.  Brundage is in South-Central Idaho and has some of the best snow in the state.  Enjoying the skidding were Anaconda Burke, LoLa, Kris and the Maharishi Larkin.  Contrary to popular belief, this is where the wild things were.  (#2 is one of the remnants of the Ice Carnival annually held in McCall.)  We were shocked and amazed (and moreover amused) by the notion that this ski park had sadomasochistic features (#3) or as we called them "tendencies."  The Professor and Maharishi actually bombed through the park with little or no whoop-de-do's, but were able to say they did it and survived...

After all that, as if it was enough, we're headed for Puerto Escondido and beyond in the company of Captain Donaldo, Tarsan, LoLa and a 14 year old panga skipper named "Diego."  Yes, we have signed up for the jungle cruise, Oaxacan style and it's eventual port of Chacahua on the coast.  We are told that communication is possible and if so, hope to regale you with our discoveries...  Our stated goal is to avoid looking like this couple in #4 ...  See you for happy hour on the 28th...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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