
Showing posts from May, 2020

Wag The Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he definition of "May Gray" was in full effect this morning as we paddled out beyond the pier in Hermosa and toward the dim foggy horizontal.  Looking to the right we could barely make out the Manhattan Pier, so let's call it 2 miles visibility and to the left we actually couldn't see the Breakwall.  It was like that...  Winds were light out of the north by 1.5kts and nary a ripple to be found on the surface, although the slight ground swell left things smooth but not glassy.  The air was 61.0 and likewise the water.  We decided to try our shorty and things were initially bracing, but not freezing.  Low tide was at 7:48am -0.3' and high tide will burble up at 3:18pm +3.4'.  Currently we have a SSW swell out of 198º at 2.6' and it was 1' to 2' with some small grinders for the young and the slick wave riders... B ut what's better than making your way to shore and finding that your buds have put together a celebration for y...

Way Beyond The Tonsils Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... "We are going to the beach on Tuesday (#1.)  You kids always want to go to the beach, so it's Tuesday whether you like it or not."  It doesn't matter that visibility is down to a block and a half and it's foggy and drizzling.  Likewise why should it matter if the wind is onshore by 3kts and the sea surface is smooth...  "We're going to the beach..."  Even though the air is 61.3 and the water is even chillier at 60.8...  "We're here..."  The beach is nice and wide because low tide was at 6:53am -0.5' and perfect for strolling.  High tide is at 2:02pm +3.3'.  There's a SSW swell out of 195º at 2.6' and the surf is 1' to 2', which is enough to get your pant legs wet and stick enough sand to your lower limbs to render your floor mats sand boxes...  That is unless you step in tar.  THAT is an entirely different story.  One that begins in the foggy eons of geologic time, through the Precambrian, t...

Another Memorial Day Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I f you don't think they're watching you, well think again...  We were sent this screen grab from the Hermosa Swell Magnet cam.  It is clearly the Professor and Doc ? checking out the surf...  No doubt that 15 minutes later you could have seen them disporting themselves in the surf right there by the pier...  If that wasn't enough, ten minutes later we got an I.M. from Lethal Keithal saying that he had seen our fine asses on Channel 5 heading to the surf...  Of course our first reaction:  To thank our publicist Forest Vishnevsky!  Without him you might have seen some flatlander from Carson plodding across the sand with a wagon full of sand toys... E verybody went to the beach today.  There was 10 miles visibility under hazy skies, but did that stop them?  Winds were onshore, light early and then bumped by 10 o'clock, but still they came...  The air was only 61.3 and the water is a spring-like 60.8 and there they wer...

A Positively Negative Positive Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T hese are beautiful women (#1) talking about drinking wine.  The first time we ever saw a beautiful woman was in Fresno in 1958.  She had on a black cocktail dress with spaghetti straps and we passed out in our hot roast beef sandwich.  She might have been the woman on the left... maybe...  Although something tells me that neither of these women had ever been anywhere near Fresno...  Both would be around 90 years old today... H ermosa was bright and cheery this morning (#2) as Doc ? and the Professor jumped headlong into the foaming merciless sea.  It was a sunny slightly hazy morning with cloudless skies and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were off by 4.3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 61.3 and the water was 59.2, before warming to a pleasant 65 mid-day.  High tide was at 10:27am +3.7' and low tide follows at 3:16plm +1.8'.  We are enjoying a SSW swell out of 199º at 3.6' and it was 3' to 4' and ...

Timmy's Not In The Well Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... ?   If Timmy's not in the well, who is... H appy Birthday to Snow Paw (#1)...  1 year old today...  No candles, only high beams... C lear skies and 20+ miles visibility this morning.  Offshore winds at 4kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 55.9 and the water is 60.6.  High tide was at 9:08am +3.8' and low tide is at 2:25pm +1.4'.  We have a SSW swell out of 206º at 3.6' and it was 3' to 4' with some nice high tide peaks... K ira Bones (#2) got the dump today on a left slider at Sapphire.  She got some serious body English on take off and then did a rather graceful spinner before walking to the nose... W ould be nice to be back in Mexico (#3) right about now.  Not very much news coming from the south.  Some reports suggest they got slammed pretty hard wit h the virus earlier this month.  Whatever, looks like a great place to quarantine... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Profess...

Hydroxichloroquine/Hydroelectrically Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, you've got this rad whip and you still have the floor mats that came standard...  What's wrong with YOU!  Look, this is easy.  You have Jetski take a photo of his hundred dollar bill, which is probably illegal, but don't worry, you're going to cut it up anyway...  Then you put it on a floor mat rug and have the Professor fit it like so (#1 & #2)...  and voila!  Simple, huh!  Well, it's a little expensive, but if you have to ask you can't afford it... W indy from the get-go this morning with winds out of the west by 6 to 10 kts and ramping up to 15 to 20kts and fairly choppy seas.  The air temperature was 57.3 and the water is 60.6.  If it would stop blowing for a minute the water temps might ramp up a bit.  High tide was at 8:29am +3.9' and low tide will be at 2:00pm +1.2'.  We have a rolling SSW swell out of 208º at 5.6' and that was translating to a disorganized 4' to 6' breaking all over the place....

Art Imitating Life Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O r is it "Life Imitating Art?"  (#1) What we do know is that the girl with the pearl earring is going to remove Vincent's ear If he doesn't stop staring at Mona...  Maybe with her pearly white teeth... D rizzling this morning and a fine example of what "May Gray" looks like.  2 miles visibility and winds are onshore by 3kts, roughing up the sea surface creating some texture.  The air temperature is 63.0 and the water is 60.3.  High tide is at 7:48am +3.9' and low tide will be at 1:33pm +1.0 and if you're beach combing remember to keep moving.  We have a SW swell out of 215º at 3.9' and it's 2' to 3' with some 4' outsides, but bumpy and a bit rough.  The wind is forecasted to increase and blow through tomorrow...  We'll be checking it... #2  T he Bubble never fails to give us a reality check...  As far as being in the bubble, Hermosa looked like Fourth of July this weekend.  The streets were packed, peop...

Free & Easy Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T arsan pointing the way to the beach (#1).  It's been long enough that it wasn't exactly clear about how to get down to the water.  That, of course, didn't stop the 50 or so surfers who hit Sapphire because every place else was closed out...  Note the bullet holes in Natasha... 10 miles visibility under hazy sun.  Winds were calm after blowing all evening and the sea surface was bumped and uneven.  The air temp was 60.5 and the water is 60.6.  High tide was early at 4:52am +3.9' and low tide follows at 11:49am +0.4'  We have a west swell out of 267º at 4.9' and it was 3' to 5' and looked like it was trying to eat us alive. A t the MASKquerade Ball LoLa (#2) suggests a better way to wear the Stones logo, although it looks like she's snagging some boogs in the process.  Jetski (#3) says he's 6 FEET and single.  The presentation speaks for itself... " J azz Hands" Tarsan (#4), demonstrates how he modeled for the ...

Roving Bands Of White People Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I f this had been people of color (#1)...  Rubber bullets, fire hoses, dogs?  Wait...  REAL bullets... When they ask for race we always say tan... L ike Michael J. Fox (#2) we weren't paying attention... D oc ? checking it at 10½ St. (#3)  We came to the obvious conclusion that it was bumped, red and windy.  Clear though and 20 miles visibility without a cloud in the sky.  Winds were about 5kts from the SW from the start.  The air temperature was 59.8 and the water is 62.1, chilled from the onshore winds.  Low tide was all wrong at 9:49am +0.0' and high tide will be at 5:26pm +3.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 210º and it was 3' to 5' and in the time we watched there was a broken board...  patience, patience, patience... W hile people weren't in the water they took advantage of the relaxed beach access rules and made it down to walk on the sand and get some exercise...  Maybe tomorrow... T here's always good ne...

A Titration Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T o all of our eager and excited citizens, GOOD MORNING!  Here's hoping that the opening of the beaches mañana provides the diversion of which we have become so enamored.  Like this shot (#1) of CMissle busting down the line south of the pier.  7:30 come hell or high water (high water being much preferred...) O vercast this morning and 5 miles visibility.  Winds light out of the NNW by 3kts and there's a bit of texture on the water.  The air is 61.0 and the water is back down to 63.1.  Low tide is at 8:38am -0.3' and high tide will be at 4:10pm +3.5'.  We have an oblique SSW swell out of 199º cresting at 4.3', but it's just just south enough to only yield 2' to 3' mushburgers... 2½ weddings...  Here we have Buck and Hortensia tying the knot (#2) as the Professor (in this case the upright reverend), officiates.  Fortunately for Buck, the knot was a inexpertly tied square knot and the union lasted barely an afternoon... a...

Mumbling Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T ired of the local constabulary (#1) chasing you down when all you're doing is trying to catch a few waves?  According to our governor, the honorable Gavin Newsom, we'll be able to make our way down to the surf and catch a few waves on Wednesday the 13th.  A day that will no doubt be celebrated for years to come.  We are planning to make our appearance on said date at 7:30 at the usual location.  We have no idea how to comport ourselves out of the water, except to keep some modicum of social distancing.  In the water we imagine we'll be up to our old tricks... O vercast his typical spring morning with 10 miles visibility and NW winds at 3kts.  The sea surface was a bit bumped.  The air temperature was 60.3 and the water is 64.0.  Low tide was at 7:32am -0.7' and high tide will be at 2:36pm +3.5'.  There's a SSW swell out of 200º at 3.9 and it wasn't quite hitting us square enough so we've got two-footers and cool, gray ...

The Ocho De Mayo Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... J etski slapping one (#1) and heading down the line at La Libertad... H azy sun this morning and 15 miles visibility.  Wind is light out of the south and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temp is 62.5 and the water is an unbelievable 68.5.  That red tide must be heating things up!  High tide is at 11:09am +4.2' and low tide follows at 4:15pm +1.4'.  We have a WSW swell out of 247º at 2.6' and it's 2' to 3', looking like some fun little ones... O ur favorite "capitalistas."  Senor Gato and his buddies... I nto the Mailbag: TJ Maggio asks:  Why does a square tailed board glide better and help get you through flat spots? ( It ends up being a combination of two things.  1.  Additional area that allows for more planing.  It's like you've got a bigger wing holding you up.  2.  More volume in the back of the board that translates into a higher profile in the water and makes it a bit more skippy adding to your g...

Thinking About The Full Moon Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... D ucks, ducks, ducks!  (#1)  Eight of them and a mamma Mallard had traffic stopped on Harbor Dr. in front of the Edison Co.  LoLa and a couple of other cyclists ran across the street and put them on the other side of the wall so they wouldn't waddle into the road.  Who knows what environmental havoc they created by redirecting the ducks, but it seemed like the best course of action... T he cam shot of Sapphire (#2) suggests that we have 10 miles visibility under hazy skies.  The air temp was 62 and the water is really warming to 67.3.  Kinda early for that temp, but we'll take it, despite not being able to actually experience it.  High tide is at 10:15am +4.5' and low tide follows at 3:36pm +0.9'.  We have a west swell out of 263º at 4.6' and it's a solid 2' to 3' with some bigger outsides.  Sure would be a nice day to go surfing... T hree years ago (#3) we have Jetski and the Professor prepping for a Sapphire go out....

Particularly Nice Weather Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... G ood morning citizens!  Another day, as week 7 of the pandemic rolls along.  It would be a lot more fun if it were the Peter Pan Pandemic and we would be enjoying our place as original Lost Boys...  These tights are a getting a little snug with the weight we've been putting on... S o we've got this grainy surf cam view of the surf in Hermosa (#1).  It's suggesting hazy sun with 15 miles visibility.  Winds are reported out of the north by 3kts and the sea surface looks smooth enough.  The air temperature is 64.6 and the water is 65.3 for our first foray into spring water temps.  High tide is at 9:22am +4.8' and low tide will be at 3:00pm +0.5'.  There's a west swell out of 265º at 3.6' and it's 2' to 4', with a bit of lingering red tide... A year ago today we were in Mexico at the Mexi-Log Fest at Saladitas.  Certainly different than when we first encountered it years ago, some of the competitors have fashioned thicker,...