Wag The Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he definition of "May Gray" was in full effect this morning as we paddled out beyond the pier in Hermosa and toward the dim foggy horizontal. Looking to the right we could barely make out the Manhattan Pier, so let's call it 2 miles visibility and to the left we actually couldn't see the Breakwall. It was like that... Winds were light out of the north by 1.5kts and nary a ripple to be found on the surface, although the slight ground swell left things smooth but not glassy. The air was 61.0 and likewise the water. We decided to try our shorty and things were initially bracing, but not freezing. Low tide was at 7:48am -0.3' and high tide will burble up at 3:18pm +3.4'. Currently we have a SSW swell out of 198º at 2.6' and it was 1' to 2' with some small grinders for the young and the slick wave riders... B ut what's better than making your way to shore and finding that your buds have put together a celebration for y...