Free & Easy Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Tarsan pointing the way to the beach (#1).  It's been long enough that it wasn't exactly clear about how to get down to the water.  That, of course, didn't stop the 50 or so surfers who hit Sapphire because every place else was closed out...  Note the bullet holes in Natasha...

10 miles visibility under hazy sun.  Winds were calm after blowing all evening and the sea surface was bumped and uneven.  The air temp was 60.5 and the water is 60.6.  High tide was early at 4:52am +3.9' and low tide follows at 11:49am +0.4'  We have a west swell out of 267º at 4.9' and it was 3' to 5' and looked like it was trying to eat us alive.

At the MASKquerade Ball LoLa (#2) suggests a better way to wear the Stones logo, although it looks like she's snagging some boogs in the process.  Jetski (#3) says he's 6 FEET and single.  The presentation speaks for itself...

"Jazz Hands" Tarsan (#4), demonstrates how he modeled for the "Slip & Fall" sign on the bathroom...  They did get the hands right...  and the round head...

The self proclaimed "Slowest Walker In The Sand" the Professor (#5) makes his way down to the water.  He might still be on his way back...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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