
Showing posts from October, 2020

Phi Beta Kappa Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S uddenly, the fog lifted and it all became imminently clear that it was time to go surfing (#1).  Winds were offshore, making the fog transient at best and then it cleared without telling the foghorn, which continued, annoyingly, for another 30 minutes.  The sea surface was so smooth and the water was so clear that you could see all of the bottom dwellers below.  This included a great number of stingrays that were having a marvelous time cavorting in the shallows.  So many that Jetski, on his way in, rode all the way to dry sand to establish a beachhead.  A lot of shuffling going on!  The air was cool at 54.2 and the water was down another tenth to 65.7º.  High tide was at 9:02am +5.7' and low tide followed at 3:34pm +0.4'.  There was a SW swell out of 225º at 2.0' and that was about it for the morning.  Despite the less than epic surf, it was fun and kept the assembled crew amused and on their toes.  Jetski and La...

Are You Ready For The Witches Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... F ive years ago today, we were back in El Salvador and the weather was crazy, with bizarre rain storms and surf on the smaller side.  But like always it was great fun at El Tunco and we're looking forward to when we can return... C lear this morning with 10 miles visibility and offshore winds at 3.2kts.  The air was 54.6º and the water has dropped to 65.8º.  High tide was at 8:24am +5.4' and low tide will be at 2:35pm +1.0'.  We have a SW swell out of 230º at 2' and it was almost 2' and not quite happening... " H ey reduzca your velocidad, even if you guys ARE on a bicycle." (#2)  This is what signage looks like in civilized countries... " O ye Isabel!  Are the pupusas ready yet? (#3)  On the river walk there are several little pupusarias where you can get pupusas from 50⍧ to 2 dollars, depending on what you'd like to have inside.  The cheapies are bean and cheese and the more expensive ones include larocco, goat meat, pork o...

Dodgers Win The World Series Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... C ongratulations to the Los Angeles Dodgers on winning the 2020 World Series!  Some good news this year, along with the Lakers' championship ion a time when sports provides some diversion for everyone dealing with Covid and the collateral elements of the pandemic... A s per usual we found Bobby Warchola (#1) doing the morning check on the Hermosa Pier.  Wearing his signature binoculars, he was checking out the wildlife from the Breakwall to the Manhattan Pier.  It was a beautiful sunny morning, but a bit chilly with the air at 50.2º and the water a lot warmer at 66.7º.  The wind was offshore by 1 to 3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  High tide was at 8:00am +5.2' and low tide was at 2:03pm +1.4'.  There was a SW swell out of 226º at 2.3', but the high tide and the oblique swell was only generating 2' waves pretty close to shore...  Still enough for the crew to get some little dumpers and some paddling in... #2) Your basic surf...

There Is Always Some Madness In Love Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L et's take a look at some black and white images from this weekend.  Photographer Vania Zask joined us this Saturday to do some work with her larger format B&W camera.  #1 is the irrepressible José Bacalao who achieved fame as a SUP rider, but has been working on his longboard chops.  Already showing a lot of style this is one of him leaning out of the office on his way down the line... A lmost sunny this morning with 5 to 7 miles visibility under hazy skies.  Winds were chilly offshore by 5 to 7kts and the sea surface was rolling smooth.  The air temperature was 55.5º and the water was 68.5º, not too bad for late October.  High tide was at 7:38am +5.0' and low tide was at 1:27pm +1.9'.  There's a SW swell out of 225º at 3.6', but it's a bit steep, so we got 2' peaked up waves for some little runs to the sand...  Kinda like this little foamy (#2) thing that Morgan got five on on Saturday, but a bit cleaner... #3 was a t...

Art Is The Proper Task Of Life Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... B een cloudy all week (#1) and this morning was no different, but looking into the surf we could see the faithful despite the gray.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.  The air temp was 64.9º and the water is 69.3º.  Low tide was at 10:00am +3.3' and high tide follows at 3:40pm +4.8'.  There was a south swell out of 170º at 2.6' and it was oblique, but not so much that there weren't some quick little 2' to 3' zippers as you can see in photo #2.  If you got'em early you could run up some speed and find yourself flung a way down the beach...  If you haven't seen Zack Seager, you should make it down some morning and watch him take over the office...  He paddles early, is quick on his feet and gets some outrageous nose rides... 5 years ago today the crew found themselves in Havana ensconced in the Floridita bar (#3), the alleged home of the Daiquiri!  A blatantly touristy thing to do they were entranced wa...

That's Debatable Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... C loudy this morning with 3 miles visibility, but that didn't deter the faithful (#1) from hitting the surf!  The surf class was well represented as the wind held off all morning and the sea surface was smooth to glassy.The air temp was 65.2º and the water is 69.6º.  Low tide was at 7:46am +3.3' and high tide follows at 2:02pm +5.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 198º at 2.3' and the surf was 2' to 3' and small but fun... T wo years ago this week we were down in Roca Sunzal, El Salvador enjoying the warm.  Capitán Donaldo and Buck (#2) share an early morning coffee on the walk to check out the surf.  They're next to the river that looks a bit swollen with the rain from the night before.  After a day of surfing, eating too much and Mexican Train, the Professor and Buck share a moment at sundown before eating and playing more Mexican Train... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

As Manny Kant Said "It's A Wednesday Surf & Culture Report"

Lost Boys & Co... L ove is blind; friendship closes its eyes...  Don't you wish you had said that? T wo miles visibility this morning with haze and overcast skies. It would be nice if one of these mornings we'd have a little sun... Winds were offshore by 2.3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 64.9º and the water is 69.8º.  Low tide was at 6:24am +2.5' and high tide crests at 12:50pm +5.7'.  We have a SSW swell out of 202º at 2.3' and it was 2' to 3' and if you were patient and paid attention, you could score some nice little peelers (#1).  For the first time in a couple of weeks the rights were better than the lefts... S pooky surf coming up and we're recalling last year at Roustan's party where Capitain Donaldo was held hostage by Edwina Scissorhands (#2).  She ended up taking a bit off the sides and leaving the front long... T wo of our favorite witches (#3) Daneece and Danger Girl careening down the Strand on their bro...

Turned Out Woman Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " H as a woman who knew she was well dressed ever caught a cold?"  Nietsche (*answer below) M uch like this morning (except for the sun) (#1) a bit of high tide fun.  Bacallao, flashing down the line, getting ready to run that little section...  Speaking of this morning it was overcast with 5 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 3.2kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 65.3º and the water was 70.2º.  Low tide was at 5:33am +2.2' and high tide was at 11:56am +6.2'.  We have a SSW swell out of 201º at 2.6' and it was 2' to 3', a little smaller than yesterday, but still good shape and some nice waves... L ooking into the office (#2) waiting for that nugget that comes through when you thought the tide was too high... O f course when you're on the road away from the ocean and your thoughts turn to waves, you can always empty one of those little bottles of shampoo and make your own.  This (#3) was a nice...

Don't Become A Monster Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... D odger fans have reason to celebrate now that the club has gotten into the World Series.  In far-flung Boise we have the stellar Alli-Babwa (or Alli B. if you listen to her show M thru F afternoons) showing off her Dodger swag (#1).  There's nothing more fun that watching a Dodger game with Alli B. and Anaconda Burke on the wide screen with you favorite beverage in hand... M eanwhile outside fall was proceeding on apace with some spectacular foliage throughout central Idaho.  This Red Leaf Maple (#2) was a real standout... T he surf had some power this morning under cloudy skies and 10 miles visibility.  Winds were offshore by 3-4kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 66.3º and the water is still 70.9º.  High tide was at 11:10am +6.5' and low tide was at 6:17pm -0.5'.  We had a SSW swell out of 206º at 3.6' but it was focusing right on Hermosa and we got some 3' to 5' waves with some decent power.  Ther...

Truth As A Social Convention Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... #1 .  Think about this paint job for your next board...  Your basic razzle-dazzle... 20 Miles visibility this morning and offshore winds barely reaching a knot.  The sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 61.9º and the water is holding at 70.7º.  High tide was at 8:21am +5.4' and low tide ebbs at 2:13pm +0.9'. By the end of the week we're looking at some minus afternoon tides.  SW swell out of 215º at 2.3' and it was twice that big at 3' to 4+' with some fun waves getting lumped up by the high tide backwash...  Some thrills and spills... H ere's (#2) Jah Morgan down south on a sweet little musher.  (#3) is Mr. Christian doing a Lance Carson sandwich eating nose ride, probably having no idea where that came from...  You'll remember that Lance spent a lot of time in Hermosa, a significant amount of it with no pants... O ut of town for the next few days, guaranteeing some good waves and nice weather.  It was...

A Gimlet Eyed Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I f you didn't look at the calendar you might think that it was August and not mid-October.  A beautiful weekend at the beach, Lola, (#1) decided that Rat would be the perfect spot to get away from some kitchen remodeling... R onnie de Diner (#2) checks out the pier this morning and was pretty much convinced after he saw this left come through just right of Aubrieland...  He continues to rip on his Wheatley Titan model... From the photo you can see that we had 20 miles visibility under clear skies.  Winds were light offshore by 2kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 64.5º and the water is 70.5º.  High tide was at 7:55am +4.9' and low tide will be at 1:30pm +1.7'.  We have a SSW swell out of 210º at 2.3' and it was 3' to 4' with some backwashed, pitching lines...  Fun if you could get some speed and go left... S pider season!  (#3)  So there' been this big garden spider camped out on the fuchsia at ...

File This Under Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... F rom Boomfwappa: Again you have misled the honorable subscribers to the surf report.  There is no changing of fall colors along the Strand!  In fact, the picture of the truck with the workers that adjust the tide, swell direction, and sand bars is a fake!  Who they really are?  They spray paint fall colors onto dead plants along the Strand!  I've included a REAL picture of the Fall Colors from Casa Boomfwappa, Colorado!!  Stop the Fake News! And your attempt at an art shot? Pitiful Pitiful! E d.:  How many times do we have to mislead the "honorable" subscribers to the surf report before they realize that that's basically what we do?  And how many times do we have to put perfectly good words like honorable in quotation marks to make a sarcastic point because almost no one gets sarcasm anymore?  The photograph of the truck and the workers is NOT A FAKE.  It is a real photo taken with a real phone on a r...

In Theory It's A Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e had a very rare opportunity to see the technicians adjusting the Hermosa Pier wave machine (#1).  It manipulates the tides, the sand bars and the swell direction.  Now that fall is upon us they have to re-calibrate the parameters from the summer algorithms.  Interestingly enough, they say they can't make the waves bigger or have predictably better shape.  What are we paying these people for anyway? W aves looked small at the initial checkout and it was cloudy and barely 9 miles visibility.  Winds were on light at about 2 to 3kts and the sea surface was passingly calm.The air temp was 64.1º and the water is 71.1º.  Basically, one tide today at 1:00pm a high at 4.7'.  Likewise tomorrow it will be at 2:25pm 4.6'.  We have a SW swell out of 226º at 2.3' and despite how it first looked, it rose to the occasion and was a fun 2' to 3'... S hallot with Jalapeño Seeds on Wooden Table (#2).  This is our (attempt at an) art sho...

Fw: Last Tango In Tarzana Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S ometimes we forget about the simple things like "Aloha."  #1 was written by Duke Kahanamoku and shared by Kawika Ching.  We're glad to share it with you...  Spread ALOHA! C loudy, windy and cool this morning as we greeted the surf.  5 miles visibility and the winds at close to 5kts were bumping things up.  The air temperature was a dampish 64.5º and the water was 70.3º.  Low tide was early at 5:15am +2.4' and high tide was 11:39am 5.2'.  But the wind, tides and the SW swell out of 233º at 3.6' only caused things to be bumpy and walled up.  The surf was 3' to 5' and pretty unfriendly for long boarders and to tell the truth, not very fun for anyone else either.  Here' hoping things even out a bit mañana... W orking on a logo (#2) for a new boat in the harbor that needs some cosmetic surgery...  S o the government can back us out of the Paris Climate Accords and they can upend a lot of the environmental progress we h...

Which Witch Doctor Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I n photo #1 we have LadySpaine leaning into a little right.  She and the Sensei Joey have spent a lot of time designing the artwork for boards and in #2 you can see Sensei on his Mondrian inspired long board...  This was a fun day when most of the crew was out and there were some nice peaks up and down the beach... W e'll start with the last wave of the day, as Tarsan took off on a ledging left-hander and locked into a speed crouch as he blasted down the beach.  He took off at the bubbles at Scottie's and got out of the water against the pier...  The day started out cloudy and the sea surface was a tad bumped.  It looked wind chunked, even though the wind was dying by the minute.  The air was a chilly 61.9º and the water continues to hold at 70.7º.  As per usual the cohort (Dr. ?, Tarsan, Ronnie and the Professor) though it was a bit ragged, but voted to hit it for some paddling practice.  The tide was low at 5:25am +2.8' an...

Magnificent Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... R eally foggy this weekend (#1) with less than a hundred yards visibility, harkening back to the old days of pea soup and Robert Frost cat's feet...  Hazy sun this morning with 9 miles visibility. Winds were out of the west and then laid back as the sun came out, with only a slight bump on the water.  The air was a damp 64.8º and the water is 69.8º, listed at 75º on the pier.  High tide was at 11:13am +5.3' and low tide is at 6:07pm +0.9' starting out a week of eccentric tides with Thursday and Friday having basically one high tide in the middle of the day.  Today was a SW swell out of 232º at 3.9' that generated some ear-high sets and moved a lot of water through the pier. T he Model-Tio (#2) a modified Barahona Bullet with a thumb-drive tail and down-turned rails forward...  Did someone say "Saladitas?"  Pics to come... #57-58 or "The Office."  As named by Jah Morgan and photographed by the same.  Pier nugget anyone?... ✠ ...