Which Witch Doctor Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

In photo #1 we have LadySpaine leaning into a little right.  She and the Sensei Joey have spent a lot of time designing the artwork for boards and in #2 you can see Sensei on his Mondrian inspired long board...  This was a fun day when most of the crew was out and there were some nice peaks up and down the beach...

We'll start with the last wave of the day, as Tarsan took off on a ledging left-hander and locked into a speed crouch as he blasted down the beach.  He took off at the bubbles at Scottie's and got out of the water against the pier...  The day started out cloudy and the sea surface was a tad bumped.  It looked wind chunked, even though the wind was dying by the minute.  The air was a chilly 61.9º and the water continues to hold at 70.7º.  As per usual the cohort (Dr. ?, Tarsan, Ronnie and the Professor) though it was a bit ragged, but voted to hit it for some paddling practice.  The tide was low at 5:25am +2.8' and it was getting higher as they hit the water (with the high tide at 12:11pm +5.0'.)  We have a SSW swell out of 215º at 2.6' and it was a solid 3' to 4' with Donnie and Eric Barton joining up before the end of the hour...  Some good waves and here's hoping the swell sticks around for the morning...

José Bacalao swinging into a nice arcing bottom turn.  He's been experimenting with longboarding lately with predictably excellent results!  Always fun to be in the water with José...  He has a very pacific nature in all senses of the word and is a joy to know and even more fun to surf with...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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