The Word Of The Day Is Karma Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Meeting with the boys before the El Salvador tour... (#1)  Two weeks of surfing and goofing off before anyone suspected we'd be wearing masks...

Hazy sun this morning with 10 miles visibility and offshore winds at 3.3kts.  The sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 64.9º and the water is 71.4º.  High tide is at 10:06am +5.4' and low tide follows at 4:18pm +0.8'.   We have a SSW swell out of 202º at 2.6' and it was a thumping 3' with no breaks in the sand bars.  Interesting drops, if you call interesting going straight down and sticking in the sand...

Dinner at Beto's (#2) where the back-up singers bought us dinner....  Followed by a Mexican Train game that lasted well into the night...

Our intrepid leader and conga player, Oscar, took us into the jungle and scared the shit out of us for the better part of half a day.  At one point we took a zip line ride that was over a quarter of a mile and the canyon we went over was 500' deep.  You couldn't turn around because the only way out was to keep going.  Buck got going so fast that he hit the turnbuckle at the end and almost made the cable jump the pulleys...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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