Fourteenth Amendment Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... (#1) S teve Jones at Luau Larry's. If you order the signature Larry's cocktail you get a hat. Never-you-mind that the cocktail will cost you ten bucks of your hard earned cash - you get a fucking HAT! We have two... P artly cloudy this morning, but quickly got down to business with conspicuous amounts of rain falling mid-morning. Winds were relentless out of the west by 8 to 10 kts and the sea surface was rough and uneven. The air temp was 45.3º and the ocean was 57.4º. High tide was at 9:00am +6.3' and low tide follows at 4:08pm -1.2'. We have a west swell out of 265º at 5.9' and it was 5' to 7' with less than optimum conditions. The surf (#3) begins to go down in size and the tides will be a bit full early in the day. You will have to confront your own demons about going into the water with less than 24hours for the contagious shit to calm down. But... we also remember Danger Boy who would w...