Happy New Year Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Let's start the New Year with a little art.  Julia Burke provided us with this wonderfully frosted winter leaf pic (#1).  The real world of winter really provides some special opportunities...

Hazy sun this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were light offshore and the sea surface was smooth, but the air was a chilly 48º and the water is 57.7º.  Low tide was at 6:30am +2.6' and high tide was at 12:09pm +4.6'.  We were having a west swell out of 264º at 4.6' and it was 4' to 6' at most spots, but not the best shape if you got it before the wind turned.  In all fairness we surfed Sapphire and there were some waist to should high sets coming through that were fun and a break from getting bounced around in various and sundry washing machines that were formerly surf spots...

Speaking of opportunities, we took a break from downhill skiing on Wednesday and opted for some sit-on-your-ass-fling-yourself-down-the-hill sledding.  We submit two different, but both legitimate, methods for getting down the mountain.  #2 We feature Ali B., famous Boise Idaho radio personality.  She has chosen to enjoy the descent and her ear-to-ear smile is proof positive of the joy that sledding can provide.  But, of course, everyone doesn't have the same approach.  Nay, nay!  #3 describes a more aggressive attitude.  Here we have the Professor locked in with a double-rail-grab, frozen mustache, knees akimbo speed drive.  This style allows you to go farther and faster, but that had it's disadvantages at this spot because it dumped you into a working driveway.  Nothing like getting spewed off the road by a fire belching snow plow...

#4)  Dear, deer deer...   Okay, so who left the oat nuts on the back porch?

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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