Wild Gluten Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

"People in L.A. are deathly afraid of gluten.  I swear to God, you could rob a liquor store in this city with a bagel."
Ryan Reynolds
(It also helps that everyone is wearing masks these days...ed.)

Clear and cool, it was 48.5º at checkout and 58.5º in the water.  Winds were offshore and the sea surface was smooth.  High tide was at 8:39am +6.7' and low tide will be at 3:53pm -1.6'.  We have a west swell out of 260º at 3.6' and it was 3' to 6' in Hermosa and flat at Sappharua...  Go figure...

Taking off from LAX is always an experience, made more interesting with the fog (#1) sending some creeping fingers up the Ballona Wetlands.  You can really see the lowlands and the cooler air at that altitude...  You should also know that the plane we were aboard (an AirBus 330) was almost empty!  LoLa cruised through the plane and counted about 40 passengers!  The flight home was a bit more crowded, but still not uncomfortable in terms of social distancing...

Upon arrival we didn't take the board off the rental jeep and put Bruddah Miloe's "Shaka Model" onboard and headed directly to Pokai Bay on Oahu's west side.  Like Bruce Brown said, "We just got off the plane and already the surf was better than when we left home."  It was 3' to 5' with some nice long rides that could start out a bit steep, but then line up across the inside of the bay.  If the Professor had been Mr. Christian, they'd still be talking about his noserides!  But alas...  Of course afterward we went to "604 Beach House" and hung out with Barbara and Bruddah Miloe (#2) and caught up while drinking/eating 604's famous Bloody Mary (#3).  As the server said, "Tree kinds meat, cheese, pickled veggies and one shrimp with cocktail sauce."

LoLa (#4) here, testing the sand to see if she'd lost her touch for sunbathing...  She was a little rusty at first, but quickly got the hang of it.  Even though there were some significant swells, she still found clear spots to snorkel every day!  Here she is at Paradise Cove...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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