Unhinged Conspiracy Theory Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Meanwhile, when asked to describe the events in his own words, the Professor, in his role as "Sub-Commandanté Baba Au Ru3mi" (#1) (the 3 is silent), declared:  "Misto delgato con pronta bebe poon taka taka taka.  Bonga tai roomba de quaga na wommi.  Et figgy, had figgy, shwo figgy de nunco emblaniez.  Sha zoot."

Later he is shown with Commandanté Bacallao (#2) in front of the Pride Tower, demonstrating that a little Cuban and a little Portagee can do great things, IF they have the paint...  Outside the weather was partly cloudy and the winds were trying to blow onshore at 5 to 7kts.  The sea surface was cluttered with windswept debris which included Doc ?, the Professor and Zacky-Boy.  The air temperature was 63.3º and the water was 64.2º and unless your body temp was below 60º it felt chilly.  High tide was at 9:39am +3.9' and low tide followed at 2:16pm +1.9' to no perceptible improvement.  We have a SSW swell out of 190º at 4.3', but the wind was knocking it down and turning the whole thing to mush.  Might be better tomorrow if the wind holds off for a few hours...

On the Tower of Pride (#3) with Tarsan, Doc ?, a Lifeguard and the Professor.  We are not counting the people on the pier  Tarsan took this photo with an ordinary Leica spy camera attached to his phone with duct tape and rubber bands...  What do you mean you can't find the lifeguard?

"Surfing Sleds Of Famous South Bay Surfers" (#4)  We have this '57 Chevy Bel-Aire Wagon with a trio of Kris Hall's sticking out the back.  Kris either owns it or stole it and put his blades in the back.  Still a bitchin' whip...

Maybe a report mañana, but don't hold your breath.  Heading out to Idaho for a trip to Anne Morrison Park and a session at the standing wave there and a haircut with the almost-as-famous-as Karg-but-more-famous-in-Idaho salonista, Aubrie.  Back on Monday with more foolishness...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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