Who Ate All The CoCo Puffs Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We took a turn up the coast and got into Oregon and some of the spots up there.  The wind appeared to be howling onshore, but when we got to Gold Beach (#1 & #2), the headland jutted out to sea causing this rivermouth to be facing northwest.  The result was an almost perfect offshore situation with the wind now howling out to sea!  There was one guy out and he was concentrating on the left, but there was also a right that ran right off the river and into a sand bar.  If you judged things incorrectly, you could find yourself headed down river to the end of the jetty where it was overhead and wind-blown ugly.  If you could watch this spot for two weeks we have no doubt that you would see every combination that it had to offer.  Considering the wind was blowing at 20-25kts and the water was 48º it was good the sun was out...

Overcast, cloudy this morning and the 62.4º water and the 58.0º air sucked the warm out of everything.  Low tide was at 10:43am +0.3' and high tide will be at 5:48pm +4.6'.  We have a SSW swell out of 195º at 3.6' and it was 2 to 4' and could thump you if you weren't paying attention...  So...  PAY ATTENTION!

5 Vintage Rick's going the wrong way on Cypress St. (#3).  We'd take the middle rounded pin if we had to choose.  We owned a diamond tail gun like the yellow winged swallow on the left.  Turned down rails all the way around and 18½" wide.  It had to be head-high before you could turn it or you had to do angle takeoffs.  Maybe the fastest boards Becker ever shaped...  We understand Jimmy Barahona might be interested in parting with one or two for the right price...  Hurry though, they're quintuple parked...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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