Mr. Pink Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

(#1)  "Pink sky in morning, sailor take warning."  Enjoy the sky and sun.  It's supposed to get foggy mañana...

Hazy this morning, but little to no wind and a smooth sea surface.  The air temperature was 55.5º and the water is 63.1º.  High tide was at 6:45am +5.6' and low tide will be at 1:11pm +0.8'.  The tides will be swinging wide for the full moon on the 19th.  We have a SSW swell out of 196º at 3.0' and it was a fun 2' to 3' and we worked both sides of the pier despite not having the proper paper work...
This (#'s 2 & 3) is what is known as "Dionysus' Ear."  Not because it bore any likeness to his external auditory meatus, but because he had a hole drilled in the top so he could hear what his laborers were saying about him.  Awfully thin skinned about his image, he's also the guy who built the amphitheater in Taormina, so we'll give him a bye...

We stopped in this little town called Noto, near Siracusa for lunch.  We walked over to the piazza and the church had all of these monumental sculptures of disassembled bronze angels.  They really looked more mythological than biblical and kind of left you wondering what the sculptor had in mind. Or what the church had in mind commissioning them. The woman at the base of the statue was apparently doing a dissertation on 20th century sculptural representations of foreskin...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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