Tycoon Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Hello there!  It's Tuesday, November 16, 2021 and the great city of Hermosa Beach has, as a signal to all who visit the Pier Plaza, has installed it's annual Christmas tree (#1).  Do we think it's a little early?  Yeah, kinda.  At least they waited until Halloween scared the shit out of us and well before Black Friday froze our intestines.  If you're a Christmas lover, this is good news.  If not...

Cold and gray this morning, less than 5 miles visibility, but at least there was a light offshore wind blowing.  The sea surface was smooth, but the burrito wind came up around 9am and sent everyone into the showers.  The air temperature was 55.6º and the water is 62.2º.  High tide was at 7:08am +5.8' and low tide was at 1:47pm +0.4'.  We have a SSW swell out of 202º at 3.0' and it was a high tide driven 2' to 3'.  Chilly, but fun...

Ragusa is a city built on two hills (#2).  Since the hills are not equal in height, you have lower Ragusa and Upper Ragusa.  The old town is in Lower Ragusa and the new more chichi Ragusa is the Upper.  The roads are so narrow you have to park outside the city proper and walk to your accommodations.  Predictably, everywhere you want to go and everything you want to see is uphill.  You even have to walk uphill to get to Lower Ragusa.  A wonderful stat would be to calculate how many stair steps there are in Ragusa.  Ballpark guess:  4 million.

Loved this palazzo (#3)!  It had what we considered the proper amount of ornamentation.  The same family has lived there for over 400 years.  We told them we were looking for a new clubhouse location and we asked if they were interested in selling.  They said, "No, but you're always welcomed to drop by."

If we learned one thing on this trip, it would be that we have to ramp-up our style game.  Boris typically has the right fashion sense, but we were impressed with this cyclist (#4) on his way to have a cannoli and chat with the other dandies.  Kinda hard to see, but he's got on a blue serge three piece suit, a black fedora, striped tie, tan Bruno Magli shoes and a hand rolled cheroot.  Because he lives in Ragusa and everything is uphill, his bike is electric...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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