Another President's Day Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Yes, we're back with news from the north and all points in between, but let's start with the local scene!  (#1)  You can see from the pic, that we had about 10 miles visibility and the skies were partly cloudy.  Wind started out offshore and quickly changed to whitecaps and slush...  The air temperature was 52.3º and the water is 58.8º.  Low tide was at 6:16am +1.1' and high tide was trying at 12:02pm +3.6'.  The advertised swell was 2.3' out of the west 264º, but it was hitting the sandbar and jacking to 4'+ and ledgy to dropping you off the loading dock...  Doc summed it up best on the paddle out, "*#@&^%!  &#!%!" 

The Maharishi Larking sporting his trademark mustaches (#2) riding up the Centennial Chair at Brundage in Idaho.  We were blessed with good snow and fine weather for the most part and the hot springs were a delightful addition...

The mountain crew (#3) consisted of LoLa, the Maharishi, Buck and the Professor.  They're shown here taking a break before their afternoon session.  We ran into three brothers and a brother-in-law on their annual week getaway.  They were funnier than hell and excellent skiers.  They shared some of their grub and when we got back to our vehicle, they had lined up a row of beers on the bumper to revive our parched throats!  Most gentlemanly!

Known for her adventurous behavior, LoLa (#4) takes a stroll on thin ice...  The Professor (using his W.C. Fields impersonation) said, "Come back my pet, there's a sign!"  She scoffs at mere signs...

While we were gone there was a shark sighting at the Hermosa Pier.  A couple of the high schoolers spotted the "Landlord" and Coach Avery cleared the water...  "In an abundance of caution..."

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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