Under The Frozen Sea Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

That little pink nose is all you can see of Bruddah Miloe (#1) as we floated high above the snow at Brundage Mtn.  Da Bruddah took some time to attempt to instruct LoLa and the Professor on some tips in the powdery stuff.  Every time he'd turn around, they'd ski-daddle over to the groomed runs...  If you look closely you can see the Professor's reflection in the goggles...

Another beautiful summer day here in the South Bay as temps climbed almost to 80 mid-day.  Winds were off in the morning at 2 to 3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The water is holding at 59.5º.  Low tide was at 11:43am +0.8' and high tide is at 7:09pm +2.9'.  We have a west swell out of 267º at 2.6' and it would've been a deluxe 2' to 3' if there was a sandbar or two, as it was, it was great for body-whomping, but not so much for surfing...

"Under the Sea" was the theme of this incredible ice sculpture (#2) that won first place in the McCall Winter Carnival.  Walking through it was like wandering through a frozen coral garden.  We talked to the artist and he had spent considerable time in the Islands where he gathered his vision for the piece.  The fish were so accurately detailed that you could tell the species, like the Swordfish, Mahi-Mahi and Grouper shown here (#3).

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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