
Showing posts from May, 2022

Tag! Your It! Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... F rom the collection of Rasta Pete (#1), we have this morning's Memorial Day Memory featuring, Danger Boy, the Professor, Jimmy Utah, Rasta Pete and James Wheatley.  (photo by Ivan Fernandez for "The St. Francis Chronicles") T he morning started off offshore at 3 to 5kts and changed on early.  10 to 15miles visibility and a marvelous Southern California hazy sun.  The air temperature was 62.2º and the water is 64.8º and time for your spring surfing ensemble.  High tide was at 11:33am +3.4' and low tide will be at 3:42pm +2.4'.  We're setting up for some early minus tides this week so it could get dredgy in the a.m.  We have a 4.9' SW swell out of 224º at 4.9' and it was 4' to 6' with some drops off the loading dock all along the beach... A blustery Memorial day (#2) with LoLa, Barb and Chris Miloe checking out the surf as the wind turned. "P ride Beach" (#3) north of the pier at about 10am.  By noon it was packe...

It's Almost Like Flying Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " M ay Gray" in full bloom (#'s 1 & 2).  On the cusp of becoming "June Gloom." H igh tide, overcast and a weak SSW swell out of 205º all conspired for basically flat conditions.  The good news is that the water has kicked up to 64.8º and almost spring suit weather.  If the wind lays off and we get some weather offshore, we might get some waves!  Hold good thoughts and have a great Memorial Day! B urnsy (#3) sliding into an easy roller, going for a rebound off the white water... " W hen in El Salvador, do as..."  The Professor and Filthy Phil (#4) reminiscing about long bus rides into the interior, Wheatley and Honduras Vs El Salvador... ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

There Will Be Consequences Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... O kay, today we're going to play our own version of "Spin-the Globe."  Let's see how close you get to naming the location of these spots!  We'll give you a hint that #1 is on an island and has one of the highest talc cliffs in the world.  Recently vandalized they just scraped the paint off and they look pretty much the same... #2)   One of a number of spots in the world where getting to the surf involves waiting for the herd to clear off the road. O vercast this morning with 7 miles visibility.  Winds are light and the sea surface is smooth.  The air temp is 62.2º and the water is a delightful 63.7º.  High tide was at 7:48am +3.9' and low tide follows at 1:22pm +1.0'.  There's a SSW swell out of 209º at 2.6' and it's 2' to 3' with some high-tide floaters.  Get your longboard... #3)   This spot has a couple of thousand shipwrecks in the waters off these shores.  Ravaged by floods this last rainy season, you can ...

Wilder Than Burnsy Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... #1)  This is what happens when you say, "I'll take a chance on the left one."  Actually, a cataract removal, back in the water in two weeks according to the doc... O ur judges on the pier this morning (#2) were Don Congrejo, Doc? and the Professor.  Our contestant?  Burnsy was the only Sruf Familia member to brave the brine this morning. C onditions were great for longboarding with a hazy ball of sun in the sky and almost 10 miles visibility.  Winds were calm and the sea surface was smooth.  The water was especially clear with a bit of emerald shining through.  The air temperature was 58.8º and the water is 63.0º.  High tide was at 6:49am +4.0' and low tide will be at 12:46pm +0.6'.  We have a SSW swell out of 195º at 2.6' and it was a fun 2' to 3'... #3)   A nice knee-high roller!  She exhibited good form and appropriate trim.  Her score:  4, 5, 5 for a 14. #4)   A bit of a stall for the cover-...

Hedge Fund Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... L ow and gray (#1) describe the tide and the sky this morning.  Low tide was at 8:04am -0.9' and high tide follows at 3:21pm +3.6'.  Winds were offshore in the 2 to 4kt range and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 57.0º and the water is 58.6º.  We have a SSW swell out of 202º at 3.9' and it was 4' to 5' and wally-crashy.  Not longboard friendly... #2)   Where, when, who?  Absolutely no idea... #3)   Just because we were nostalgic for the sun and the crew and the surf...  L to R:  Sancho, Tarsan, Doc?, Reets, Ronaldo, Buck, LoLa and Jetski... T hat and we'll be out on Monday getting our remaining cataract removed, maybe Tuesday, depending on how we do.  But we're planning on being back on Wednesday with surf & culture...  Surf banquet tonight.  Next report we'll let you know who the outstanding RUHS sliders were this year! ✠ "When the surf breaks, we'll fix it" The Professor!!

More Than Thoughtful Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I n the Durban airport we found these surfboards (#1) at the ready in case sea level rises and you have to make a quick escape...  Not really they were decorations... 7 miles visibility under overcast skies.  Too bad it wasn't sunny, it would have changed the entire feeling of the morning!  Winds were light to non-existent and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 60.0º and the water warmed up a couple of degrees to 58.8º.  Low tide was at 7:00am -01.2' and high tide follows at 1:58pm +3.5'.  We have a SSW swell out of 202º at 3.3' and it was 2' to 3' and Burnsy and the Professor shared the dump... W hile crossing the Equator we glanced at our phone's compass unit (#2) and recorded a "0º" reading.  kinda cool, but even more cool, no that's wrong...  It was too warm!  As we crossed over the North Pole (#3) we zeroed out our compass and then noticed that the ice below was cracking and showing the ocean underneath....

Watusi Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T here's one sure way to tell if a person has been to Africa.  If they say "ZEE-bra" they've just read about them.  If they say "ZEB-ra" then they've been to the continent.  Since Zebras are so plentiful it's fun to listen to the dinner table conversation.  If someone says ZEE-bra, you know they just got there... D amn it's still cold.  The water was 56.7º and the air was 59.5º.  It's MAY, you'd think we could break into a spring suit at some point.  Winds are still persistent out of the south at 3 to 5kts.  Low tide was really low at 6:00am -1.5' and high tide was at 12:42pm +3.6'.  We have a west swell out of 263º at 4.6' and it was 3' to 5' and clean, but walled to distraction... S ix ways to meet a storied end in South Africa (#2).  From bottom to top:  Ripped to shreds by a leopard, Mauled by a Lion, gnawed on by a pack of Hyenas, Trampled and eviscerated by a Cape Buffalo, gored by a Rhino, ...

Tsetse Fly Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e came to this bend in the river (#1) and we were reading about how it got it's name.  Turns out there was a big wedding and at the party after the wedding they got drunk and decided to go swimming.  Well, things were going er, swimmingly, until a crocodile rousted the party and ate the bride.  So technically, she never actually made it to the honeymoon, but they named that section of the river after the event... O vercast again this morning and 5 miles visibility.  Winds were strong out of the south by 6 to 9kts and the sea surface was ruffled.  The air temperature was 60.0º and the water dipped again to 57.2º, making us relatively unhappy.  High tide was at 11:38am +3.8' and low tide will be at 4:10pm +1.9'.  We have a west swell out of 262º at 3.9' and it was 3' to almost 5' and a bit walled with the low tide... A bnormal (#2) is about how you feel driving on the wrong side of the road...  Don't ask us to make a right ha...

Moth To A Flame Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... N ot sure if this (#1) is moth or a butterfly, but it was putting on a rather iridescent display.  I kept getting closer, until LoLa suggested that colorful things in nature are usually poisonous or will bite the shit out of you... O vercast this morning with 7 miles visibility.Winds started out offshore by 3kts and changed around 8:30 to 3 to 5kts.  It ruffled up the playing field.  The air temperature was 59.0º and the water is 58.6º and can keep getting warmer.  High tide was at 10:41am +4.0' and low tide will be at 3:32pm +1.6'.  We have a west swell out of 261º at 3.6' and it was 3' to 5' with some fun waves until the wind messed it up... J oey and Suzi (#2) with a Cheetah that was injured and is now rehabbing.  Meaning that it can only hit 50mph and not 65mph like usual.  This guy was getting fat and lazy so they were despairing that he might not make it in the wild...  Like most people we know... A male Nyala (#3), ha...

Wild Kingdom Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... A nimals?  Africa is full of them!  Here are a few for starters.  #1 is our personal favorite, an Impala.  Besides being sleek and noble looking they are almost as fast as a Cheetah and can jump twice as high.  They are abundant in the region and we had roasted Impala and Impala stew on occasion... T en miles visibility this morning with light winds and 50.0º air.  The water is 56.1º and is still 4/3 temps.  High tide is at 7:16am +4.2' and low tide follows at 1:18pm +0.5'.  We have a west swell out of 264º at 4.3' and it was 3' to 5' at most spots.  If we could just get the afternoon wind to calm down... #2)   I s the real king of the jungle, the African Elephant.  This guy was injured and brought to this preserve and wouldn't leave.  You just can't say "Okay, you gotta go now, it was nice."  And what brought him down?  A plastic bag that got wound up in his truck and cut off one of the "fingers...

A-Wee-ma-Way Wednesday Surf & Culture report

Lost Boys & Co... #1)  B e the 10th caller and win a year's supply!  Comes in an easy to use gourd and is non-greasy, colorless and long lasting...  Saw this on the wall in the Langa Township on the outskirts of Cape Town and other posters for similar nostrums... T en miles visibility under mostly cloudless skies and light winds.  The sea surface had a bit of a roll.  The air was an even chillier 46.5º this morning and the water was a wind dipped 55.9º.  High tide was at 6:21am +4.1' and low tide is at 12:48pm +0.4'.  We have a west swell out of 261º at 4.6' and it was 4' to 6' with some thumping outsides and the occasional corner... O n our visit to the township we visited the local beer bar (#2) and sampled some of their brew.  It was green and not very strong, but if you drink the bucket you can stay happy all day.  Suzi and the Professor were the only ones to have a drink, but they emerged from the bar taller and brighter than when th...

Almost A Tulum Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o, you're in Africa and your buddy Luke "Rock" Maggio says he's getting married, whaddya do?  You hop on a plane and go to Mexico to make sure things proceed according to plan.  Now it seems like there must be something in the air.  Jah and Christian got married in Saladitas and now Luke and Nathaly got married in Akumal, Mexico, deep in the heart of Quintana Roo!  The best part was that the Maggio's let the Professor be an honorary Maggio for the day.  Still reeling from the honor! (#1, R to L  The Professor, T.J., Rick, Luke) S ea surface was still rocking a bit from yesterday's wind.  10 miles visibility and calm until the wind turned about 9am.  The air was a wintery 47.8º and the water is likewise 58.6º.  High tide was at 5:19am +4.0' and low tide will be at 12:14pm +0.4'.  We have a 4.9' swell out of the west 276º and it was 4' to 6' and a bit bumped... O ne of the distinct features of the Yucatan peninsula ...