Wild Kingdom Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Animals?  Africa is full of them!  Here are a few for starters.  #1 is our personal favorite, an Impala.  Besides being sleek and noble looking they are almost as fast as a Cheetah and can jump twice as high.  They are abundant in the region and we had roasted Impala and Impala stew on occasion...

Ten miles visibility this morning with light winds and 50.0º air.  The water is 56.1º and is still 4/3 temps.  High tide is at 7:16am +4.2' and low tide follows at 1:18pm +0.5'.  We have a west swell out of 264º at 4.3' and it was 3' to 5' at most spots.  If we could just get the afternoon wind to calm down...

#2)  Is the real king of the jungle, the African Elephant.  This guy was injured and brought to this preserve and wouldn't leave.  You just can't say "Okay, you gotta go now, it was nice."  And what brought him down?  A plastic bag that got wound up in his truck and cut off one of the "fingers" on the end of his trunk.  They feared he wouldn't make it back in the jungle so they set up food for him every day and he shows up like clockwork at 10 for water and eats. 

One of the more notorious beasts is the White Rhino (#3 with baby).  A favorite of poachers, they still hunt these guys and sell the powder of their horns to short-dicked men around the world.  They are short tempered and can run faster than you.  Our guide's father was shot by a Rhino poacher and that was a factor in his becoming a guide.

In the jungle everyone likes the Giraffes (#4) except the predators.  Why?  Because they can see farther than the other animals and warn them when danger is approaching.  You usually find Giraffes, Zebras, antelopes and wart hogs hanging out together...

A tough guy in the jungle, this Water Buffalo (#5) doesn't worry about much except for ticks, which can infect him and getting too old to fight off a lion.  Usually docile they can be mean when pissed...

Finally, we didn't emerge unscathed from yesterday's go out at Sapphire.  Thought we had avoided the board, but the fin nicked the back of our hand (#6).  Merely a flesh wound!  See you on Monday!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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