A-Wee-ma-Way Wednesday Surf & Culture report

Lost Boys & Co...

#1)  Be the 10th caller and win a year's supply!  Comes in an easy to use gourd and is non-greasy, colorless and long lasting...  Saw this on the wall in the Langa Township on the outskirts of Cape Town and other posters for similar nostrums...

Ten miles visibility under mostly cloudless skies and light winds.  The sea surface had a bit of a roll.  The air was an even chillier 46.5º this morning and the water was a wind dipped 55.9º.  High tide was at 6:21am +4.1' and low tide is at 12:48pm +0.4'.  We have a west swell out of 261º at 4.6' and it was 4' to 6' with some thumping outsides and the occasional corner...

On our visit to the township we visited the local beer bar (#2) and sampled some of their brew.  It was green and not very strong, but if you drink the bucket you can stay happy all day.  Suzi and the Professor were the only ones to have a drink, but they emerged from the bar taller and brighter than when they had entered!  Amazing!  Also we visited the "medicine man."  In this case if we hadn't been warned we might have imagined we were visiting Marie LeVeaux, considering the display of cowrie beaded gourds, raffia, candles, lamps, feathers and a monkey paw.  "Okay, maybe we'll just stick to the penis cream..."

Yes, we did finally make it to the surf at Muizenberg (#4) for our first dip in the Indian Ocean.  We rented boards and paddled out to some three-footers that were buffeted by the wind.  The water was probably about 63º and the air was about 70º, so it seemed a lot like home.  The Indian Ocean did have a bit of a curry flavor however...

Apparently, there is a law in Idaho, that if your Great Granddaughter is on a soccer team, you have to attend a least one game a season or be relegated to the Group W Bench.  This is our week to inspire Miss Scarlett in her athletic endeavors.  Looking to be back on Monday...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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