Another Cinco De Julio Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Let's face it, when you surf you have to suffer the slings and arrows of the sport.  More like the fins and rails and an occasional nose to the nose.  In Burnsy's case, she got run over by her own ride and it left a rather sporty competition stripe down her back (#1).  She wanted to make sure it looked serious enough.  We say "Yes!"

The sun kept trying this morning and it was partly cloudy with 10 miles visibility.  No chance of meatballs until noon.  Winds were light onshore and the air temperature was 63.3º.  The water is 66.7º and the quality looks good.  Low tide was at 8:16am +0.6' and high tide will be at 3:27pm +4.1'.  We have a west swell out of 268º at 2.6' and it was 2' to 3' and fun for the assembled crew.

No matter where you go in this world, there is an Irish Pub.  Morocco, South Africa, Italy, you name it.  This one (#2) was in Tavira, Portugal, on the north bank of the river.  This guy kept the crowd singing until midnight and several folks got up to do their party pieces.  Guinness and Jameson's flowed unabated...

The next morning on the beach (#3) the surf was breaking through the high tide and got wilder throughout the day.  Then at 2 o'clock the wind stopped and the surf picked up into some nice rollers that hit this sand bar and turned inside out.  Some good rides and Tavira and Salema seemed to be popular spots.

On our way to Evora we decided to stop for lunch at a local restaurant for a snack.  Then we saw "Wild Boar in a Chestnut Stew" on the specials board🐗.  Of all the stews a wild boar could get into, the chestnut stew was the right choice (#4).  When they served it with French fries we thought they had lost their minds.  Can you imagine potatoes in that broth?  It was delicious, but not a single fry was hurt in the meleé...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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