Mustachioed Portagee Girls Sometimes On Saturday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

The girls are the two in the middle of the photo.  That would be Morgan-Maria and Anna-Maria.  Got to love those mustachioed Portagee girls.  Since there hasn't been anything locally to talk about they headed down to Doheny and it wasn't great, but there was something.  Oh yeah, and the pancakes were great and the French toast was so enormous Anna-Maria offered it up to the table...  So it goes...

Nothing much this morning, with cloudy conditions and a mid-morning high tide.  Sapphire is trying, but you have to be willing to take a ticket and wait your turn...  The weatherman is doing flips and the predicted rain or rumors of rain have been largely discredited.

We'll be back on Monday, but Tuesday we leave to assist Miloe in his attempt to eat a dozen malasadas before they get cold.  Yes, we'll get them at Leonard's and then we'll try to surf it off at Fly's...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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