Late Night Sunday/Early Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So, you take a walk after a little get together at one of the local watering holes.  You think that walking out to the end of the pier will be a bit of a refresh and you won't have to worry about piloting your velocipede safely down the bikepath.  But those Hermosa civil servants take their jobs seriously!  Yep, right at 10pm they come down and close the pier for the evening.  Come on now!  Doesn't 10pm sound a tad early?  Of course if you're on the east side of the gates, no problem.  But if you're on the west side of the gates...  You get to be the first one to check out the surf in the morning!

Crazy morning this.  Visibility was 20 miles under cloudy rain threatening skies.  In fact a few drops fell at odd times during the day.  Winds were variable and depending on when you checked it could have been on, off or becalmed.  The water was 62.5º and the air was a preternaturally warm 53.2º.  Low tide was at 7:12am +2.8' and high tide was at 12:51pm +4.8'.  We have a warbling west swell out of 262º at 4.3' and there were some pounders if you had the nerve to get out there.  Faces wee head-high to a couple of feet over!  Looked gray and mean and then the sun would peek out and smile it up. 

Secret Santa, mañana, at a secret time, secret spot and secret celebration.  How do we even know this??

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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