No Weapons On Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We decided that if we were going to Egypt, we'd decompress on our arrival on the Red Sea at a spot called Hurghada.  Hurghada is noted for their clear water (no the water is NOT red) and vibrant coral reefs.  Well those things are true and in fact there was this spur of reef (#1) right off of our hotel's beach.  We did head out to one of the offshore islands one day and managed to stray off our appointed beach, get yelled at by the other beach's Nazis and not get excited by the dolphins that came by.  It was like, "Yeah, dolphins."  The boat driver was cataleptic.  "These are wild dolphins!"  "Uh, yeah, wild dolphins." we said.  "How often do YOU see wild dolphins?"  He asked incredulously?  "Almost every day." We replied a little snarky.  "Where are you FROM?" he asked.  "California.  We invented dolphins.  Like Flipper!"  He looked a little crestfallen.  "Hey, you can have some too."  We said trying to make him feel better...

17 Miles visibility under clear skies with offshore winds blowing lightly.  The air temperature at checkout was 53.3º and the water is 63.0º.  High tide is at 5:07am +4.6' and low tide will be at 11:25am +2.1'.  We have a west swell out of 267º at 3.0' and it was 3' to 4' and breaking in one continuous wall from the pier to 10th St.  Quite impressive, but basically unsurfable...

It was too much to ask, that in this great armory of a country that we have, that sooner or later someone wouldn't bring a gun to school.  Yep, good ol' RUHS.  (Understand that were getting all of this info second hand, so expect a bit of hyperbole and outright exaggeration) One of our budding intellectual sophomores brought a gun to school Monday, ostensibly to show a fellow student that he meant business about keeping his peeps in line.  Well, he got flipped by a student with a cell phone and understandably upset, advised a sophomoric colleague to bring HIS gun to school on Tuesday to school the stool pigeon.  Well, that didn't go so well, with the cops and the school principal chasing this guy into the police department (which this Einstein must've forgotten is on the CORNER of the high school.)  Administration decided to cancel classes on Wednesday so the rumor mill could really ramp up and let cooler tempers get ridden out of town.  We shall stay on this story until it is blown so out of proportion that even we can't make sense of it...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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