Taking A Bath With Bubbles Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We were walking up the Strand toward the pier when these gigantic bubbles started floating our way.  We kept walking until we came to this gent creating these monstrous globules of transparent fluid.  We admired them for a minute and then continued to our perch on the pier.  Soon we saw more bubbles emanating from farther down the pier and heading south along the wind.  Sometimes when they would hit the water they wouldn't pop immediately and scud along the surface.  The guy looked like he was having a grand old time!

Later, one of our resident biologists, Anupa lead us in spotting a number of California Corbina or Menticirrhus undulatus in the surfline. There were quite a few and now she's got us all interested in snagging a couple for sport.  Yes, and letting them go afterwards...

Overcast this morning with a bit of drizzle.  5 miles visibility.  No wind and smooth sea surface.  The air temperature was 56.6º and the water is 58.3º.  Even the swim ladies are getting tired of the cold.  High tide was at 9:19am +4.2' and low tide will be at 2:50pm +1.0'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 202º at 3.0' and it was just about that and much better earlier on the lower tide.  Could be okay mañana on the early low tide...

Finals of the South Bay Scholastic Surf League All-Stars will be Wednesday 6:30am at Bruce's Beach, 26th St. Manhattan.  Should be some great surfing if all of the contestants mind their manners!  Yeah, there was a bit of conflict last week in the semis!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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