Toes Nowhere Near The Nose Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

This (#1) is what can happen if you don't properly moisturize!  The two feet on the left have suffered the rigors of lack of moisturization.  YES!  There are numerous products available that can keep your footsies supple and looking young.  Of course the best way to make your feet look young is to be 27 years old as opposed to the 70+ years old feet on the left...  Bottom line, you don't have a chance...

So the tide was dropping, there was a peak at Annaland and it looked like it was getting more consistent.  But...  There was five miles visibility under thinly overcast skies.  Winds were light offshore at 1 to 3kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 57.8º and the water is 58.3º.  The valella haven't let us down.  High tide was at 6:46am +4.3' and low tide follows at 1:27pm +0.2'.  It's a SSW swell out of 200º at 3.6' and it was 3' when it decided to break, which was good at first and then disappeared...

All Star Contest for the South Bay Scholastic Surf gladiators.  Starts at 6:30am at 26th St. in Manhattan Beach.  Outstanding surfistas from the league will be seeing who's the boss.  Also on Live Heats where you can follow the action remotely.  If you haven't used the app. check it out.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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