Futz Around Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

You know how some mornings you get up and it's pretty damned cold out there. Well we've attached a couple of photos of Garrett McNamara Iceberg Surfing. Oh yeah, it's pretty damned simple. You get up close to a glacier, (not TOO close, it can toss chunks as far as 400 yds.) wait for it to calve and then ride the ensuing wave. To tell you the truth we knew nothing about this aspect of surfing until Harry Johnson filled us in at dinner a couple of nights ago. Harry is an old Redondo alumnus and thought we might be interested. We are - but kinda academically - if you know what we mean...

Today makes an entire week of summerlike weather here in RB. As the Coach said, "We don't get many days like this during the summer!" True dat. So we had 25 miles visibility under clear skies this morning. Winds are offshore by 4.1kts and the sea surface is very glassy. The air temp is 58.3° and the water is 57.2° Low tide is at 7:24am +1.6' and high tide will follow at 12:54pm +3.7'. The buoy is reading a weak 1.6' swell coming out of 257°. The surf is even worse than yesterday. So far the predicted swell has failed to materialize, but we're patient if anything. It'll be here and so will we!

Reader Comments:

Why is it with Fred that whenever I go somewhere it's flat, but whenever Fred goes there its overhead and perfect? It's always that way.....the one time I went on a surf trip with him it was overhead and perfect - just to prove my point. - TJ Maggio

Fred = Wave Magnet - Big Wave Dave

cove picture is nice, take another when we actually get some lines rolling through! - Blake Cole
(Ed. Note: Yeah, we'd like that!)

I think this might call for a trip down memory lane with visit to Cabo in June to see the action. Remember the old days? Could be fun! We'll need a break from the stresses of life in Redondo Ha ha. Give it some thought. We may all need jobs and could probably secure something like selling timeshares. - Julie Tisue

(Ed. Note: We don't need jobs THAT bad...)

Boomfwappa says: I like the picture of the rock better...that's what Boomfwappa says!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Ed. Note: We'll need to get a better pic of the rock to make Boomfwappa happy.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..." The Professor!!

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