Happy New Year Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Happy New Year to you & yours in 2009!  Will it be a good year for surf or will we have to depend on culture to keep us afloat?  No one knows for certain, but we'll be here to help you through the rough spots.  We do know how it started though, right there in Hermosa Beach with the dropping of the lighted ball from the roof of Hennessey's Bar (check out the pic.)  We can also attest to the fact that the rumor of Danger Boy getting caught up in the tangle of lights and just happening to roll over the edge at exactly midnight was not true.  You can see in the photo that he is not stuck in that wad of electricity.  He's farther to the left...

So January 1st 2009 dawned foggy and close.  1 block visibility on the outside and half that in some corners.  Winds are calm and the sea surface sounds glassy.  The air temp is 48.6℉ and the water is 56.7℉.  High tide is at 11:08am +4.6' and low tide will follow late at 6:15pm +0.4'.  The buoy is reading 3..0' and the best we can tell is that the surf is 1' to 2' and breaking pretty damned close to shore.  We'll know more when the fog lifts.

Wait...  is the fog on the outside or the inside?  Hmmm...

Did we miss you at Kincaid's?  A bit smaller crowd this year, but some quality folks.  Too many to mention, but we can attest to the fact that Fuzzini showed up in a tie and young Michael McGarry was in a tux.  The younger crew is setting the bar pretty damned high.  Don't worry, you've got a year to work on your ensemble...

Happy New Year!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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