Inauguration Day Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We snapped the above photo when they got to the part where he swore that the federal government would do it's best to create more wave opportunities and investigate ways of making current swells bigger and future swells better.  We're all about that!

Not quite as cold here in the South Bay as it is in Washington this morning.  We have 25 miles visibility and some low clouds that look like they might sail off later in the day.  Winds are out of the SSE by 1.9kts and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temperature is 60.3º and the water is 57.7º  Actually not too bad for the middle of January.  High tide is at 4:55am +5.1' and low tide will be at 12:44pm +0.1'.  The buoy is reading 5..6' on a swell out of 248º and we're calling the waves 4' to 5'.  Still a bit wally-crashy, but we saw some pretty good wipeouts this morning at Torrance Beach as Bishop Montgomery High was in a two-way against North/West.

Okay!  So the tide will be dropping during the morning.  maybe you might want to check Rat, Hags or the Cove for a little mid-day go out.  We see that as an appropriate exercise before you head out to whatever inaugural ball you might be attending this evening.  If you get to dance with Michele before we do, we're gonna be pretty upset...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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