Movable Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So have you stopped shakin' yet?  It's always interesting when we have an earthquake.  Where you were?  What you were doing?  How strong did you imagine it to be?  Boomfwappa tells us that he was driving and he noticed the light poles going up and down!  Here on the 11th floor of the Topaz International Trump Tower Suites we experienced a concussion, then some energetic rocking.  Didn't last very long, but long enough to let you know who's in charge.  Mother Nature - 1,  LA - 0...

A foggy, overcast morning here in the Southland.  Looks like it might clear up later, but it's pretty heavy at the moment.  Winds are calm and the sea surface is glassy.  The air temperature is 60.8° and the water is a very nice 64.9°.  Low tide is at 11:23am +0.9' and high tide will be at 6:13pm +4.4'.  The swell has really dropped after 3 weeks of pretty good waves.  The buoy is reading a 2.0' swell out of 196° and we're calling the surf barely 1' and very poor to dismal.  And yes, Buck's board is finished.  Now does everything make sense?

Two photos this morning showing why California is the cultural mecca of the world.  The first is a beach cottage in Hermosa Beach on 10th street.  I has wind chimes, colored glass, shells and all manner of beach and casual accoutrement.  It also happens to be the childhood home of one of the Lost Boys!  Well, actually, he grew up in the house behind this one, but you get the idea.  So, just for grins - who was it?

The second photo is of Lethal Keithal and the Chicken Shack car.  Not so much a vehicle as a work of art, it takes the notion of "Buick" to a different, but not unpleasant level.  We must say that the sight of it is quite arresting.  No WE weren't arrested - it just stopped us in our tracks.  Can you imagine it cruising down PCH, brilliant red comb cutting through the air, wattles flying willy-nilly.  Inspiring to say the least.  We're thinking more businesses need to have such iconic car art.  Now the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile is a great example, but we're thinking that maybe ambulances should have a broken limb on the top or maybe bakeries could have huge baguettes.  We're not all wound up about this, but we're thinking it's gotta be done before we run out of gas somewhere down the line...

You guessed it!  The LB that gew up on 10th St. was Lethal Keithal himself.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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