Three Ring Circus Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

This in this afternoon: 

Danger boy just called me to say he would be home late because his friend "rented a backhoe and invited me to come over and take it for a spin"
I'm very afraid that he might interpret that literally...
DB's B

(No report yet on DB's backhoe adventure....  Ed.)

Late report tonight!  The observations come from this morning at 7am.  Visibility 10 miles, under partly cloudy skies, clearing by mid-morning.  Winds were offshore out of the SE by 5.5kts and the sea surface was smooth before the wind picked up at 10am.  The air temp was 60.6° and the water was 63.3°.  High tide was at 8:06am +3.6' and low tide followed at 1:13pm +1.5'.  The buoy was reading a 3.0 swell out of 263 and we had some nice waves in the waist to chest high vicinity.  We rode some nice ones with Birdie, his cousin from England Chris, Paul Brede, and Buffalo Holmes.  It was nice for a spring morning wind swell!

We have pictured Buck's new blade with it's proud owner and a shot at Barahona Park showing off a couple of Jose's latest shapes.  Jose went to an industry seminar last week and was telling us that he got a chance to talk with Gerry Lopez.  Lopez was supposed to shape a blank and came walking in with a machined thing, that basically needed sanding.  He apparently got a lot of shit for that!  Anyway he and Jose got into a rather long conversation and we got the feeling that Gerry probably got more out of it than Jose did.  Of course he still surfs Pipeline better than us...

Ed. Note:  We'll be out trekking through the badlands of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho this week.  The surf report will be erratic, occasional and probably not very accurate.  We'll be back on the 29th and the next report should be on the 1st of June.  Considering Buck is in Riverside and we'll be in Montana - there should be great waves!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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