Triple Crown Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

We headed down to Hermosa this morning and took a short walk on a long pier.  As always we checked the board (see photo) to see what the conditions were according to the lifeguards.  Lo-and-behold we scoped the water temp and it said (as you can see) 67°!  Being skeptics we didn't think that was possible.  So we knocked on the door and Rodney himself answers.  "Hey Rodney, is that temp correct?"
"Well, yeah, I took it myself."
"But it says 67°!"
"Yeah, kinda warm for this time of year."
"The buoy says it's 64°!"
"Yeah, but that's way the hell out there."
"How deep did you let the thermometer go?"
"About 3'...  maybe 2'..."
"Too bad there's no waves..."
"When the waves come, the water gets colder...  What - do you want it all?"
"Er, ah, yeah..."

So we have overcast skies and 5 miles visibility.  Winds are already heavy onshore by 9.7kts and the sea surface has a pronounced tact/chop.  The air temperature is 60.5°and the water at the Hermosa Pier is 67°(out at the buoy it's 64.8°.)  High tide is at 6:08am +3.5' and low tide will be at 12:01pm +1.1'.  The buoy is reading a 2.0' swell out of 213° and we're calling it 1' and poor.

Our second photo has the Professor checking out the flask Lethal Keithal kicked down to him when he got his new stainless steel curved model.  Made from a genuine goat's foot it carries a pint of your selected potable.  He said it was a "lucky" goat's foot.  We're guessing the goat didn't think it was that lucky to be limping around on three legs.  Guess you can't eat a goat like that all at once.

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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