Magnetic Storm Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

A happy birthday to Gidget this morning!  25 years ago today, the Professor was counting fingers and toes to make sure she had all of the requisite parts.  She came fully equipped!

While we're sending out the good wishes, we need to congratulate Tamara Ball and Andrew Flores, who tied the knot on Saturday.  The Coach was a co-celebrant and he started things out by making sure that everyone knew that he wasn't Doug.  There were two girls sitting in front of us and one turned to the other and said, "I told you that wasn't her dad!"

Saw this utility vault lid in Honolulu.  The abbreviations kinda obscure it's interest.  So, it should read City & County, Street Light Division,  Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii.  It's got to be at least 50+ years old since this is the 50th anniversary of Hawaiian statehood.

A beautiful day in the southland, but a tad chilly.  We had 15 miles visibility under clear skies and calm winds and glassy surface conditions.  The air temperature was 55.8° (brrr...) and the water was 62.6°, still not very summer-like.  Low tide started off the morning at 5:57am +2.1' and high tide will be at 12:45pm +5.0'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 203° at 3.0'.  It was hitting the corners fairly nicely and we got some 3' to 4' fun ones to start off the day.

Finally, we have a couple of shots from José's shaping bay.  But wait!  That's not José!  That's the Professor getting some pointers from the master himself.  José would do a half and the then the Professor would try to copy his work.  Here he's shown drawing the template (a combination of a Herbie Fletcher flat nose, a Nuuhiwa nose-rider nose plan, Aipa sting wings and a Nat Young rounded pin-tail) and cutting out the outline.  All we can say, is that José is a very patient instructor!  More tomorrow...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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