Tiki Bar Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Sunrise, sunset swiftly go the days...

Partly cloudy in Maui this morning.  Winds were calm at checkout and the sea surface was glassy (kinda unusual for this time of year.)  Air temperature 82〫and the water is a delightful 80〫.  Swell is 1' to 2' out of the SSW and the waves are in the ankle snapper category - kinda looks like paradise...

Mail Bag:


I went there a few years ago with a co-worker/neighbor and we had it all to ourselves, the proprietor and his buddy…4 people total.

They pick you up at the airport in Mazatlan, deliver you to the locale and take you back at the end of the trip.  Pretty core adventure with fewer amenities than others I know of.

I'm keeping an eye out for this fall and a good window of surf.

Big Wave Dave

(How far ahead do you have to make reservations?   Ed.)

There is a guy who was on Fox News AM today who taped with a Go-Pro Camera two White Sharks of SD CA beach as he was stand up paddle surfing. Also here is a story about more sharks showing up.  The cove is a great place for bigger sharks to follow in the White Sea Bass that are in or were just in last week I think.  http://www.petethomasoutdoors.com/2010/08/are-white-shark-numbers-growing-off-california-.html
Donald C. Todd

Leopard shark sighting at hags quite a few years back . It was only bout 3 feet and in shallows . 
I've been on north shore oahu all week and no surf . Lots of wind and the kitesurfing has been real good . It s nice to get back into something that you truly enjoy and have not done in a few years . We had our own private photographer yesterday , will try to forward a few pics . Kiting is full throttled fun . 

Hi Professor,
Don't know if you picked up yesterday's Easy Reader.  The writing and photo contest winners were announced.  I can't write but check out the winning photo, on the cover.
(Check out Poseur's award winning cover!  He'll be happy to know we spent our morning doing some outrigger canoeing!   Ed.)

Hi All.
I wanna go to Sinaloa also.  The picture is worth a thousand words.  Hopefully Big Wave Dave will organize a trip for the Lost Boys...soon...at a great cost.  Come on Dave get with it and organize us.  [I just had successful back surgery at L5 for sciatica pain in legs and am progressing well.....and can surf again in Sept.  Maybe the water will warm up by then!)
Frank and Annie and the Boomfwappa gang....have a great time in Maui.
I have seen (surfing the cove one time and snorkeling 2 times) Leopard sharks well over six feet and they certainly get your heart rate up.  Of course it is easy to say that there are NO Tiger Sharks in this area....and that will be true until ...it isn't.  Things change.  ------ The last Tiger shark I saw, was silhouetted near the crest of a very large wave, 1/2 hr before sunset so the light was from the back of the wave, at a place called Flies on the S shore ofOahu.  5 of us paddling toward the wave ( a big outsider) agreed (later at the shower area) it was about 15' and moved so gracefully, and so rapidly, it was scary and amazing.  I caught the next wave, proned it in, with my friend yelling from the inside Why didn't you stand up ...it was a perfect left?... to which I responded Big F...ing Shark...and we got out of the water.
Hey Frank, think about that in Maui....as you paddle over the resident Tigers!

(You can't make me think about it...  Aww, dammit...   Ed.) 

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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