All By Himself Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Morning Frank.
Returned from the Drop Zone saturday. On our eight attempt we completed our formation! A 58 way! Attached is the official photo. Also a pic with the Army Golden Knights vertical team who flew with us on the record.
It was a fantastic experience, way out of my comfort level. Saw things I could never imagine...  just thankful to be on the ground and alive.
Heard you had some great surf while I was out in the desert. Paddled out with Sandy late afternoon yesterday. Fun but tiny.
See ya in the line up.
Andrew Staich
(Sometimes fallin' seems like flyin' - for a little while...  Congrats to Andrew and his crew of crazy jumpers!  We were a little astonished at the Golden Knights.  Not that they had a woman, but that she looks like she's fourteen!  She's probably their best jumper!   Ed.)

The morning started out with less than a mile visibility and fog closing in fast.  Winds were offshore at 3.8kts and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temperature was 55.6° and the water was not bad at 62.4°.  High tide was at 5:45am +5.0' and low tide will be at 12:22pm +1.4'.  The buoy has us pegged on a west swell out of 266° at 3.0'.  The beaches looked best at Torrance with some 3' to 4' outsides and some foggy little benders inside.

We Were Born At Night, But Not Last Night Dept.:
I surfed the Cove this morning and it was a bit of a surprise.  It was a tad high tide when I checked it out and there was a guy on a Boston Whaler mucking about in the weeds on the inside - way inside.  He told me that he knew what he was doing and I didn't argue, but reminded him that the tide was going down.  When I got to the outside I realized that I was the only one out!  Just me, the sky, the kelp, the water and that guy inside on the boat.  I sit there for a few minutes and this wave starts bending around, through the weeds, right to me.  I paddled and caught it, trying to avoid the obvious kelp tentacles, while fading left to gather some speed.  When I looked back right - there was the boat!  Right THERE!  He had seen the wave coming and was trying to make it to deeper water.  When he saw me he spun it around and caught the wave in front of me to try and keep from swamping.  By now I'm going pretty fast, so I fall in behind him and I'm switching between riding the wave and his wake.  I was so close to the boat that I surfed his wake after the wave had petered out.  After about 20 minutes a couple of guys paddled out (Mike and Carlos from Torrance beach - great gentlemen by the way) and I didn't go on about it, mostly because I thought they wouldn't believe it.  Hell!  I didn't believe it!  That and the fact that I was out for 20 minutes by myself.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  The Professor!!

Wasn't it a crazy Italian sailing under the Portuguese flag who discovered the new world? My Norwegian friend at work says it was her people.
The food was probably better with the Italians and Portuguese :)
(Who you gonna believe?  Murphy thinks it was Irish St. Brendan in a seal skin boat...  Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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