Fumigate This Friday Surf & Culture ®eport

Lost Boys & Co...

Okay, we're fools for the city.  Actually, we were wondering if you could see the surf from way up there?  The Topaz International Trump Tower Suites is only 11 floors high, too bade it's not like twenty.  We could see Malibu breaking!

"She's the triumph of sugar over diabetes."
(said about one of Chuck's dates...  Ed.)

Overcast this morning with 10 miles visibility.  Lookin' like it might be trying to rain later on.  Winds are already onshore by 5.5kts and the sea surface is chopped up a bit.  The air temp is 56.8° and the water is 62.4°, but it's lookin' a bit gray and uninviting.  High tide's at 6:57am +5.9' and low tide will follow at 2:01pm -0.1'.  The buoy is reading a SW swell out of 214° at 2.6'.  We're calling it 2' and pretty dismal.

The surf had to be pretty bad!  Brother's was jammed with all the local boys who decided coffee and burritos were the best call.  Of course, they were right.  You think Nathan got through the crossword by 10?  Only if Wheatley nailed the sodoku...  Ronnie was standing between them going, "eight down - "anagram,"  put a "7" there James, 22 across - "ranatab," put a "6" right there..."
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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