That's a Ham Steak Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

On the front page of the Beach Reporter we saw the great news that Redondo had beaten Costa in girls volleyball!  Not only that, but the first girl on the left in the photo is our own Devon Bogart.  Guess there's not much joy in Mustangville today...

Yet another beautiful morning!  20 miles visibility with clear blue skies.  Winds were offshore all morning and the sea surface was glassy.  The air temp at checkout was 50.9° and the water was 61.2°.  Low tide started things out at 5:50am +3.2' and high tide will follow at 11:54am +4.9'.  The buoy is reading a WSW swell out of 246° true at 3.6'.  Some nice ones at Topaz this morning with José, Birdie, Sting and the Professor burning up a few...  Maybe the swell will have a little left in it for some kneeslappers tomorrow.  You might think about a little extra rubber and maybe even those new booties you got last year...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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