Cool It With The Theatrics Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Spring has sprung! And that's it right there... In case you thought the missile that almost took out Tandis's eye was some ball point pen sized spring, think again. She also cleaned herself up and showed us the divots. They actually look more a snake bite! Now that would have made for an interesting story! Still thinking she would've looked good with a patch...

You can see all the way to the horizontal today and only a couple of clouds scudding around the troposphere. Winds were 2.2kts offshore at checkout and the sea surface was glassy. The air temp was 49.0° and the water was 52.8°. Not that we didn't believe Rasta Pete - he's always spot-on, but we ran into the lifeguard who did the readings and he confirmed the stats. High tide is at 6:00am +6.4' and low tide will follow at 1:05pm -0.5'. A pretty generous (almost 7') tidal swing. The buoy is reading a west swell out of 260° true, at 2.0'. The resulting waves are just about that big. We went out for a paddle and ended up catching a few little ones on the north side of the Hermosa Pier. Fun, but pretty chilly...

Reminding you that the Riviera Holiday Stroll is taking place tonight. We're having our own scavenger hunt and it entails finding as many Lost Boys as you can strolling around the Village. We'll also count anyone you find in Trader Joe's, any of the restaurants or any public house. Damn, that should make it easy...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
The Professor!!

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