Silk Tie Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Vinny caught this skim boarder on a roundhouse back into the sand a couple of weeks ago.  He also sent a correction on our third photo yesterday...
"Third photo.....well i know anyway that that dude there can only be the Cormaster "Cory" getting it on! a good looking right at Topaz!!"

More rain today and more rain yet to come.  Visibility is 2 miles and the clouds are low and getting rid of all that moisture.  It does kinda make it seem like Christmas, California style.  Winds have been calm all day and the sea surface is smoothed by the rippling rain.  As it rains harder, the drops set up a ringing in the water, that sound a bit like something out of Star Wars.  The air temperature was 53.3° at checkout and the water is 58.1°.  High tide was at 8:17am +6.6' and low tide will be at 3:39pm -1.2'.  The swell is coming out of WSW 252° at 4.6' and we're calling it 4' to 5' with some nicely brushed, rain burnished faces.  Of course if you're worried about the bacteria, probably not your day.  However, the gutters and drains are running clear...  Your call...

Photo #2, Kevin Holmes swinging that 11'6" beast into a nice little righthander...

In the mail:
Thanks for coming to the contest.  Next time we will definitely add a half point for each decade per wave.  In the picture, there is also Chucky Rigano and Kawika Ching. That is a tough team to beat but hopefully in April a new champion will be engraved on the cup.
Thanks, Duncan
(Geez, no shame to lose a contest to a team like that!  We'll be there in April racking up some big decades points!   Ed.)

I have a 9'4" MacTavich Stylist Tuf Lite epoxy for sale. I asking $450.00, nice condition.  Its on the rack at Open Ocean in RB. I'll sent a couple more pics. Let me know if you know anyone looking. Cheers!
Thank you, Robert Stassi
(Do we hear 455?...  Ed.)

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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