Yet Another Monsoon Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Our first shot today is Chris over at Sapphire enjoying the last sun filled weekend we had this month.

Compared to this morning it looks like the tropics!  It's been raining all morning and we have about a ½ mile visibility between the raindrops.  Winds are calm with a slight breeze out of the east at 2kts.  The sea surface is smooth with that rain textured gray-green cast.  The air temperature is 56.3° and the water is not bad at 58.1°.  High tide is at 7:39am +6.5' and low tide is really low at 3:02pm -1.1'.  Big tidal variations all through the week and if you could see it a total eclipse of the moon around midnight in these latitudes.  The buoy is reading a WSW swell out of 247° at 4.3' and we're calling it 4' with some bigger outsides.  Looks like it might work tomorrow as the tide drops - 10am?  Check it out!

Our second shot is the winning team "KGB" in the Redondo Alumni Contest.  Standouts were Jamie Meistrell (right back w/ the cap), and Sean Walker (blue Billabong sweatshirt.)  On the left is the contest organizer and Redondo Surf Team Coach Duncan Avery.  Maybe he can ID the other two KGB team members for us!  The Lost Boys were represented by the Professor who was the oldest participant, had the longest board and anchored the 2nd place team "Grey Matter."  It couldn't have mattered too much, they got second place!  They're talking about having the 2011 Alumni Contest in April (to avoid weather problems,) so if you went to Redondo and want to have a good time with about 5 decades of RUHS surfistas, let the Professor know and you can represent!

Our third photo is Johnny Siskowic caroming down the line at Topaz.  He was on his short board this day as Vinnie caught him setting up for this section.  Go FAST!

"He named the street he owned after his wife.  What a grand statement of his love for her.  She was cold, hard, cracked and only got plowed around the holidays."
(Geez, maybe we can be a bit more cheery tomorrow...  Ed.)
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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