Put A Match In That Grill Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

All we did was put the box cutter to the side of this baby and it sprang full grown from the box!  A barbecue you ask?  No, no friend this is a "PermaSteel Pro- (for protein) NukeMaster PG-40402SOL."  Look at that side burner!  The searing unit!  That cobalt-blue powder coated exterior...  No, no, not a barbecue - this my friend is poetry!  Just for grins, we took a shot of the virgin interior - rest assured, that'll be the only time you see it that clean...

For the last day of Spring we have overcast skies, giving way to sun by around 10am and 12 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the SW-NW from 1.1kts to 3.3kts and the sea surface was smooth to a heavy ripple.  The air temperature was 62.3° and the water was 62.6°.  Low tide was at 7:24am -0.0' and high tide will be at 2:15pm +4.1'.  The buoy is reading a SSW swell out of 193° at 2.3' and we're thinking that's just about how it read.  Some nice little peelers at Topaz and Sapphire was smaller, but had that come hither look.  School is out and we saw Ben, Silver and Dave out getting some nice little noserides.  Not to be out done Mark the Poolman and the Professor, paddled out and Mark snagged a wave of the day left, that left everyone slack jawed.  Guess you gotta go out, if you're even gonna have a chance at those.  For sure you're not going to get one standing up on top...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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