Throwster Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

So, not only do you get to watch the ponies run and place a few well considered bets, but on special nights, you also get to wander down to the grass and catch "The English Beat" with Dave Wakelin.  Yeah, they played all the faves and a few that we'd forgotten...

It's one of those days when you have to work your way through the photographers hired by the Chamber of Commerce to illustrate what a wonderful place Redondo Beach is to visit.  25 miles visibility under clear cerulean skies, yes, cerulean...  Air temp was 62.9° and the water was 65.7° and going up by the minute.  High tide was at 10:26am +3.7' and low tide will be at 2:50pm +2.3'.  The buoy tells us that it's a SSW swell out of 203° at 2.6', but we know it's a solid 3' and looking very good.  All kinds of fun out there this morning! 

Oh yeah, except for that guy who gave Vinny the stink eye and a few choice words for allegedly cutting him off.  Hey, it's Sapphire, it's 3' and the sun is out.  Vinny is a real gentleman and didn't deserve all that vitriol.  And how about Sandy's car yesterday?  She parks in the handicapped zone (and has a valid placard) because her back isn't in the best shape.  She's currently bodyboarding on a self-modified sponge she should call the "Sandy Shark-Bite."  Anyway, she gets out of the water yesterday and there's a note that says something like, "Surfer lady - if you continue to park here, watch out for your car!"  No signature.  Cowardly asshole. Kinda threatening...  So, being an adult, she called the cops and they're looking into the matter.  She's had her car keyed and abused in the past in that spot, so this is just more bull shit.  We would've parked there again, hidden and waited for the culprit to show and then called Lethal Keithal...  Hey, we're just little guys...

You could tell that it was going to be a first class summer's day today, by last night's sunset.  Red sky at night... with LoLa riding into the sunset...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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