A Vuvuzella Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth." – Billy, age 4

Face it, sometimes the surf is down and you have to go to plan B.  In pic #1. Tyrone James is testing the waters for a session in the pool.  This was the lap pool.  This complex, not counting the golf course, probably covered a couple of hundred acres and had something like 17 pools!  The Professor suggested they do a remake of "The Swimmer," but make it a race from one side of the resort to the other.  Like, run, swim, run, swim...

Another perfect June day, including a slight drizzlation in the early am.  3 miles visibility and the ever popular dense June overcast.  Winds were out of the south at checkout by 2.3kts and the sea surface had a slight bump.  The air temp was 60.5° and the water is 58.8°, nibbling at the 60° mark.  High tide started things out at 5:14am +3.5' and low tide will follow abruptly at 10:53am +1.1'.  3.0' at the buoy on a SSW swell from 198°.  Still too acute for our stretch of beach, although Malibu could be the call.  We're calling it 1' to 2' and pretty weak...

"Look at those knockers!"  We never get tired of that joke - never...  Pic #2.

Tonight at Samba.  Gathering in the bar @ 6:30pm.  It's been a long week.  You need a break.  No, we don't care how busy you're going to be tomorrow...

We got a couple of questions about what the Professor did to dampen the efforts of security at Los Salgados.  Photo #3 was taken a few minutes before a young, rather callow, bespectacled security guard came charging through the hedge behind the compound and ordered this group of revelers to cease and desist.  Now, you have to understand that this was a tequila party, hosted by PTN and the average IQ of the attendees was like 150.  Pretty great, even if you knock a few points off for the effects of the tequila.  They were not your boisterous, teen-age, partiers, but a bunch of seasoned professionals doing the electric-Portuguese-slide.  Being respectable adults they chose to listen to the guard explain why this kind of gathering was forbidden by house rules and they would have to stop the music and cease the wild dancing.  They countered with an offer to lower the music and only dance quietly in tight little circles by themselves.  The security guard was already shaking his head before they got into the "quiet dancing" part.  For reasons only he understands, the Professor was upset by this wanton show of aggressive police strong arm tactics and an egregious unwillingness to negotiate.  Now, note the chaise lounge next to the pool behind the dancers.  The Professor calculated the distance between the guard, the negotiators, the pool and the noted lounge.  Out of the wings ran the Professor at top speed (granted, not what it used to be, but fast enough) trampolined off the chaise lounge and illustrated what can only be described as a perfect arc into the pool.  Not a canon-ball mind you, but a forward standing Azorean island drop - sending a horizontal column of water at the security guard.  Not a drop on the negotiators mind you.  Have you ever seen a security guard with a wet gun?  At this point, having lost his leverage, he snuck back through the hedge and we never heard from him again.  Did we learn anything from this?  Hmmm...  no...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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