Thunder Egg Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

As we walked down to check out Topaz and Sapphire something caught our eye down the beach.  It was Ruby St. and it was breaking just south of the rocks and out about 50 yards.  Thick walled rights slicing down the beach.  The first set we saw was almost head-high and this one pictured was about shoulder high.  Of course this is exactly where the Army Corps of Engineers is planning to dump tons of sediment from Ballona Creek sometime in the near future...  There goes that... 

Unlimited visibility this morning with mostly clear skies and clean air - take a big breath!  See!  Winds are already onshore by 3.7kts and will mostly kick up to 10 to 15kts by noon.  Sea surface is lightly chopped.  The air temp was a relatively warmer 49.3° and the water is 55.8°.  Low tide is late at 11:13am +0.8' and high tide is even later at 6:49pm +2.9'.  The good news is that the buoy is reading a west swell out of 274° at 4.6' and it's 4' to 6'.  The bad news is that the wind has already turned.  Still, there might be some time to fine a protected spot...  look in the corners!

So what at first glance appears to be your normal construction site really isn't.  Nay, nay!  It just happens to be the hole that Bud Insalata is excavating to create his man-cave.  Considering our idea of a man-cave might be a discarded refrigerator box, Bud has gone the extra mile.  Hell, it even looks like he pulled permits!  He has just joined our pantheon of heroes...

No report tomorrow!  We'll be on our way to Boise and points north for some skiing and to expose our selves to some legitimate cold.  This means there will be some good waves over the weekend!  Next report will be on Tuesday the 6th...
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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