Two-Wheeler Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Honestly, it has been a trying day for us here in Lotus Land.  We were rudely awakened at o'dark thirty, by LoLa whirling around the room in dervish fashion, cursing under and over her breath about how the cat had just pissed on the rug.  The Professor was flung from his warm crib and pressed into carrying the pissed on Persian-rug-knockoff-really-from-India-or-maybe-even-China rug outside to dry and be chemically treated.  This is the latest in a series of wanton pissings by our psycho-cat.  He has, in no particular order, pissed on the bookcase, the curtains, the wall and a cabinet in the dining room, necessitating the refinishing of said cabinet and the disinfecting of the entire area.  We were told that the cat was feeling threatened by something in it's environment.  We hied the neighbor's cat to Boomfwappa's house, so that Andy (this is the pissers nom d' urine) could relax and not have to incessantly, mark his territory.  This did not help.  The pissing continued.  LoLa, saint that she can be, took the little criminal to the vet and spent an undisclosed sum (lest the Professor have apoplexy at discovering the amount) on kitty-Prozac.  In three days, this has had no effect, except for the fucking smile on the fucking cat's face.  Now, we have just gotten off of the phone after speaking to the vet.  He says Andy's tests have all come back normal and that he does not have the urinary infection, that might have triggered this random, yet malicious pissing.  So, he says, "I suggest putting a drop of whiskey or brandy on the cat's lips twice a day."  We say, "What will this do?"  The vet says "What does it do for you?"  So now the cat is pissing on the rugs, walls and furniture AND drinking our booze!  We say to hell with the cat - we're drinking the booze ourselves...

And the wind - that's pissing us off too!  There's like, 5 miles visibility under partly cloudy skies that promise to get more or less sunny as the day unfolds.  The winds started out variable out of the east, west and north and now have just decided to blow from the west, 5 to 10kts.  The sea surface was chipped, chapped and chopped.  The air temperature at checkout was 51.3° and the water was 54.1°.  Low tide was at 10:02am +0.1' and high tide will be at 5:00pm +3.0'.  We have a SSW swell out of 205° at 3.3' and we're calling it 2' to 3' and poor to fair...  Depending on the storms waiting in line to drop happiness on our heads, it might be worse tomorrow...

Finally, in an effort to connect and create stability in a world that is spinning out of control, we offer this photo.  But first, find your ass...  okay, now appreciate the photo.  Tomorrow:  Shinola™.
"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it..."
 The Professor!!

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