John The Conqueror Root Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

One way to stay safe is to get behind great quantities of plywood (#1) and hunker down...  Of course on our bike ride this afternoon, people were on the beach, in the water and cruising down the Strand.  This morning we had gray skies and 10 miles visibility in an excellent example of "June Gloom."  Winds were from the SSE at 5kts and it was smooth to glassy.  The air temp was 63.3 and the water was an advertised 66.4, but it didn't feel that warm and it was a bit chilly in a springsuit.  High tide was at 10:19am +4.1' and low tide follows at 3:09pm +1.7'.  We have a SSW swell out of 205º at 3.3' and it was an honest 3' with some thicker outsides...

Great, now Santa Claus is pissed off (#2).  One of the reasons has to be that there he stands on his balcony and the polar ice cap has melted!  We can imagine that the barber pole they use to mark the location of the earth's axis is now floating down to the tropics somewhere...  Why doesn't he stop bringing presents to all those guys who devastate the environment? 

Want to show your solidarity with the protestors?  #3 for a paddle out to remember George Floyd...

Then we have Jetski in Beverly Hills getting his shop ready to open tomorrow morning...  This morning he had a bunch of National Guard troops (#4) so there was boot traffic, but not much foot traffic...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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