Still Hungover From Father's Day Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Our stated purpose in going to Idaho this time was to find the famous "standing wave" on the Boise River and record it for posterity and salve our rampant curiosity.  Honestly, we were tired of staring at our Hula Girl mug (#1) and dreaming of Hawaii.  Now of course, the fam in Idaho was most gracious!  There was a birthday party for Scarlett (actually two), There was a golf outing for the fathers, present and pending and of course a delicious feast to celebrate the event...  But we were itching to see this hydro-phenomenon and we headed down to the banks of the Boise for a look.  But first, a stop at the "Yardarm Pub" for some suds and banter with Anaconda Burke (who's hair is perfect #2)...

Overcast this morning back in the So. Bay and 5 miles visibility.  Winds were out of the SW by 2.1kts and the sea surface had the slightest ripple to it.  The air temperature was 65.0 and the water is slowly moving up the charts to 66.7.  Low tide was at 5:11am -0.9' and high tide will be at 11:53am +3.6'.  There's a SSW swell out of 201º at 3.0' and it's 2' to 3'+ at our favorite spots...

Next to the Yardarm is Idaho's (we're guessing) premiere surf shop, "Corridor Surf Shop and Necessary Goods."  (#3 & #4) They sell surfboards, ostensibly designed for the standing wave and "necessary goods" including wax, stickers and T-shirts like every other surf shop in the universe.  They sported the required sticker-filled entrance and from the inside you might have imagined you were in some seaside village and not in the middle of landlocked Idaho...

Then there's the wave...

Folks line up on either side of the flume and hop into the wave, not seeming to care if they were regular of goofy foot when lining up.  Everyone was tuber-polite and waited their turns, which usually took about 10 to 30 seconds depending on the abilities of the riders.  The trick seemed to be hopping into the "wave" which amounts to a lot of fresh water running downhill and then immediately uphill.  The fetch of the waves is about 4' across which leaves little room for cutting and slashing and the wave itself seems to be a little less than 10' wide.  The only paddling exercise you get is swimming out of the middle of the river when you lose the wave and get ejected over the back.  It looked like fun and certainly challenging to get it dialed in, but we wondered about trying to concentrate with all that water flushing down in front of you...  Kinda like surfing in a toilet bowl...  But fun!

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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