Touch & Go Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co...

Overcast this morning with 5 miles visibility.   Winds were light out of the WSW at 3kts and the sea surface was a bit rippled and got smoother as we let the tide come up and the wind subside.  The air temperature was 63.3 and the water is trying at 66.6.  Low tide was early at 5:53am -0.9' and high tide washed in at 12:40pm +3.3'.  We have a 3.6' swell out of SSW 200º and it was 2' to 3' and pretty fun as Jetski, Tarsan, Doc ?, Jesse Rae and the Professor can attest.  It didn't look that good (#1) but it was lots more fun than it looked...

#2 features Jah Morgan rocketing into a glassy little wedge looking fast, fashionable and fabulous...  Look at all those little details, like her outstretched right palm reaching ahead for maximum paddling power and her steely concentration on the wave ahead.  There's that inhalation before catching the wave and those shoulder-flexors waiting to spring her to her feet...  Take this photo, blow it up to life size and pay attention...

What does Uncle Charlie always say? (#3)  Yeah, you guessed it...

A little meditation every day might just be what you need to become centered and more productive.  Here (#4) the Professor demonstrates a simple exercise in concentration and connection.  The Professor finds it more conducive to the process if he is in water at least up to his ankles.  Don't let the pink pool throw you off, you can get in touch even on a damp lawn...

"When the surf breaks, we'll fix it"
The Professor!!

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