
Showing posts from July, 2020

She Looked Like A Fauna Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I t was in Steinbeck somewhere, maybe Tortilla Flats , when the waitress said her name was "Flora."  "You look more like a Fauna to me." said the character and that's what she called herself for the duration... J etski (#1) making the call on this bright, blue skied morning, as the wind ruffled things a bit as it blew out of 210º and kept creeping to the west.  The air temp was 61.7 and the water was 61.9 at the buoy which made us think that short suits weren't the order of the day.  Come on!  It's the end of July!  High tide was at 8:50am +3.9' and low tide followed at 1:22pm +2.3'.  We had a west swell out of 270º true at 3.6' and it was 3' to 4' with some nice fat outsides breaking in plenty of water for those late take-offs.  Kinda rugged on the paddle back out, but worth the effort... (#2) Minutes before the liquor store down the street was robbed by two males and a female wearing masks...  The voices sound...

Is It Gray Enough Yet Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ermosa (#1) looking a bit dismal on this second to the last day of July... Y ou'll recall that before 1960, most everything was in black and white.  We have reason to believe that the persistent grayness that we've been experiencing is a return to the 50's B & W.  One to two miles visibility and a heavy drizzle.  Winds are onshore by 4.3kts and the sea surface is sporting a light chop.  The air is a damp 60.0 and the water is even damper at 62.1.  High tide is at 7:57am +3.6' and low tide follows at 12:24pm +2.3'.  How it's possible, we don't know, but we have a west swell out of 267º at 3' and it's still only 1' to 2'.  Our best guess is that the wind is knocking things down a bit.  The high temperatures inland are reeking havoc on our marine weather patterns... T ypically not an advocate of corporal punishment, here (#2) we have a photo of LoLa paddling Scarlett... T hese mustaches (#3) are older than most of the...

Waiting Game Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... " W hen the surf is small, the small go surfing..."  (#s 1 & 2)  Actually, we're not quite sure why we put that first sentence in quotes, other than we said it and now we're writing it.  BUT, it just happens to be true and here we have the Professor and Scarlett Lee engaging some boat wakes, for waves, on Lake Payette in McCall, Idaho.  In truth if we had a bigger board, instead of this thinly disguised wake board, she could've and would've stood up.  So, we'll wait until she makes her way down to the South Bay where the Professor will push her in to some legitimately small waves in the legitimately huge ocean... A nother gray day in the So. Bay as we beat the shit out of July and look ready to plunge into what may be Fogust.  It was overcast and visibility was below the nominal 10 mile mark.  Winds were a zephyr on-shore and the sea surface was smooth.  The air was a chilly 61.3 and the water is a reported 65 at the pier...

In Hot Pursuit Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... N ext time there's a car chase on TV, feel free to use this handy-dandy "Pursuit Bingo" (#1) to liven up the proceedings.  We've only seen this one card, but to make it fun you have to have a number of variations so that everyone doesn't win with the same items.  A few of our favorites are:  Mall Involved, Animal in Car, Barefoot, Part of Vehicle Falls Off and Pretends to Surrender.  HEY...  BINGO! A nother gray day with 7 miles visibility and overcast skies.  Not so much wind as yesterday, blowing softly at 1 to 2kts, with a little texture on the water.  The air temperature was 59.3 and the water is 62.4 making it feel more like April than July.  High tide was at 5:00am +3.3' and low tide will be at 10:09am +1.8'.  We have a SSW swell out of 198º at 3.0' and it was 2' to 3' and Doc ? and the Professor managed to get a few nuggets through all of the gray... A nother one of our favorite photographers is Brendan Simmons (#...

Everybody's Got A Mask Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... "No Mask No Service"  (#1) Is this a restaurant?  Is this a nail Salon?  Is this a bar?  Nope, this is a surfboard factory!  But are they stupid?  NO THEY'RE NOT!  They just want to stay healthy and keep making surfboards for all the good children of the world.  So, if you want one of these fine examples of the shapers art, then you'd better mask up and be responsible! T he surf was crappy today...  We could tell you that it was overcast and it was... and we could tell you that visibility was down to like 5 miles (and it might have been four)...  You might guess that it was windy and that the wind was onshore at 6 to 8 knots and the sea surface was chopped up and you'd be right!  Now you're figuring that the temps were like 60 in the air and 63.5 in the water.  That's because you've been around the block before and on this block the tide is low at 9:08am +1.3 and high at 4:06pm +5.3'.  There was a SS...

Nothing Rhymes With "Fog" In July Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... S o you will appreciate the subtle shades of gray in photo #1 as the Professor surveys the southern sweep of the bay from the Hermosa Pier.  If you look closely, you can see Bacalao, Kira Bones and Jah Morgan as they try to find something with enough push to ride.  7 miles visibility and that heavy overcast that we've had for several days.  Winds are on again, by 3.3kts and the sea surface is bumpy and uneven.  The air temp was 63.3 and the water is 64.9 at the buoy, although the guards are saying that it's 71 in the surfline.  High tide is at 8:19am +3.3' and low tide follows at 12:32pm +2.4'.  We have a SSW swell out of 204º at 2.0' and it's 1' to 2' and it's a tad weak.  Good day for letting your cousins from Burbank get back into surfing...  S peaking of subtle shades of gray, Jah Morgan and the Professor (as the grizzled old prospector) posed for Jetski (#2) while he worked on his lighting and composition.  The conv...

What Trees Know Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... W e took this snap (#1) of a table top in Idaho in which the grain perfectly described the watershed of the Snake River.  Actually the Boise River is more prominent in fact, but hell it's a piece of wood... J ah Morgan proving that even if your head is a little pointed, you can still do the no-hands carry if you find that ding right in the sweet spot of your boards bottom... Y et another good day in the surf, with overcast skies and 7 miles visibility.  Winds were variable onshore and the sea surface had a bit of texture.  The air temperature was 67.5 and the water was 65.8.  High tide was at 6:00am +3.0' and low tide is at 10:51am +2.1' for a minimal tidal shift.  We have a west swell out of 272º at 3.6' and it was 3' to 4' with some fat outsides cleaning up the inside...  Donnie says the mañana could be a reprise of today ... T arsan still wandering through the hustings and discovering that water towers (#3) are prime targets for the...

Get Your Kicks On Route 66 Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T arsan getting his kicks on Route 66 (#1) as he blasts through the southwest on his trip to physically avoid the Corona Virus by driving through vast tracks of desert and physically distancing himself from as many people as possible...  As near as we can tell, it's working like gangbusters... T hen there's Big Head Christian on the nose (#2).  All we know is that turning in that short a radius would be like riding the teacups at Disneyland and be followed by projectile emesis... A nother fun morning with a little more offshore to the tune of 5kts and a little bumpier playing surface.  Partly cloudy skies, clearing about 9am and 20 miles visibility.  The air was a warm 68 and the water is 67.3.  Low tide is at 10:01am +1.8' and high tide is at 6:07pm +4.7'.  We are enjoying a west swell out of 270º at 3.0' and it was just that with some bigger outsides.  Capitán Donaldo says that there are small craft advisories on the outer water...

A Totally Fallible Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T arsan and Sancho (#1) on the rim of some gulch in the Southwest...  Technically, if you follow the river you should end up in the Gulf of California.  Okay, there are a couple of dams in the way, but aren't there spillways?  Are not the spillways in operation?  Awaiting reports from our boys... O vercast skies with 10 miles visibility.  Winds were variable and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 65.8 and the water was a pleasant 68.7.  Low tide dredged out at 7:35am +0.4' and high tide follows at 2:50pm +4.1'.  We had a SSW swell out of 202º at 2.6' and it was 2' to 3' and despite the low tide there were some fun little corners... T hen there's something like over a hundred and fifty years of surfing here (#2).  Yes!  Capitán Donaldo and the Professor show off their "No Way" swag from the B-25 sailboat of the same name... A cross the parking lot the ever popular Doc ? (#3) dons his scrubs and heads to Pa...

No Requirements Thursday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... I t's Capitán Donaldo's bike's spot and if you park your surfboard in his place...  well, he'll park there anyway... 10 miles visibility this morning under mostly overcast skies.  Winds were variable and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temp was 66.3 and the water is 67.8.  Low tide was at 7:13am +0.0' and high tide follows at 2:03pm +4.0'.  We had a SSW swell out of 205º at 2.6' and it was 3' and fun all along the surfline... T arsan is on the road and he doesn't always pick the most savory places in which to spend the night.  He got this room (#2) not far from of St. Louis, but he had to share it with a long term tenant...  We plan to call him in the morning to make sure he had a good night... W hen in Southern California, make sure you're prepared for the evening weather.  As always, flannel is the go-to chill stopper.  (#3) From L. to R. Nathan Fast (In The Morning), The Sensei Joey, Bama Burke, Lady Suzi Paine,...

Worcestershire Sauce Wednesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... B uck has one joke and it goes like this:  A man walks in to a store and sees the sauce man.  The man says to the sauce man, "How's the sauce this year?"  The sauce man says, "It's Worcestershire." J essie Brown showing (#1 & #2) that the hands demonstrate an important part in conveying a sense of style.  Jessie was a gymnast in a former life, but she's rapidly becoming a credible surfer and style maven in this one... O vercast this morning with 9 miles visibility.  Winds were variable out of the SE by 4kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 65.1 and the water is 67.6.  Low tide was at 6:34am -0.5' and low tide will be at 1:17pm +4.0'.  We have a south swell out of 135º at 3.6' and somehow even with such an oblique swell it was still 3' to 4' with some quick ones for a good morning session...  Jetski, Larry Dairy, Doc ?, Ronnie, Donnie, the Professor and a cast of the curious all trying ...

Tune-In, Turn-On, Tune-Out Tuesday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he second largest United States flag we've ever seen on a boat (#1)...  A little breezier and they would have been going backwards... H azy sun this morning with about 15 miles visibility.  Winds were light offshore by 3.6kts and the sea surface was smooth.  The air temperature was 68.0 and the water is 66.7, good with a shorty in the sun.  Low tide was at 5:54am -0.9' and high tide will be at 12:33pm +4.0'.  We are enjoying a WSW swell out of 240º at 3.6' and it was 3' to 4' with a couple of bigger bombers on the outside! " H oney, I shrunk the Professor."  At first we thought Anaconda Burke was just trying to get a bit of advantage standing higher on the berm (#2), but then in photo #3 he kept getting smaller...  They say you start shrinking with age, but we didn't think it would happen all at once... M r. Christian and Jah Morgan after this morning's go-out (#4).  Morgan is fast approaching her 5 year mark of going ou...

Macadamia Nut Monday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... T he Fourth of July wouldn't be complete without the annual Ironman event.  Benefiting Burgie Benz's favorite charity of the year, our fellow Lost Boys gathered around Mr. Christian as he completed his circuit and threw up ALOT...  From L. to R.:  Grant Ibrahim, Frankie Paisano, Jah Morgan, Mr. Christian and Ché (as himself!) F un this morning with clear skies and offshore winds.  Really low tide at 5:15am -1.5' and high tide will be at 11:50 +4.0'.  We have a SSW swell out of 204º at 3.3' and it was 3' to a solid 4' with some nice corners.  Water temps are up to 67.1 and should get a couple of degrees warmer during the day...  Looking good for mañana!  Join up! T hen we have this shot (#2) of the entrance to Newport Harbor.  The reason it doesn't look like the entrance to Newport Harbor is that there are waves on both sides of the jetty!  Both the Wedge side (which was about 15') and the harbor side which was about...

Fourth Of July Eve Friday Surf & Culture Report

Lost Boys & Co... H ere (#1 & #2) we have the difference between Thursday (left) and Friday (right).  Is it possible that people are listening?  Maybe.  Is it possible the fear of being fined or incarcerated has influenced their decision to go to the beach?  That's more likely.  How about the surf is shitty...  BINGO!  That'll do it every time... S o the wind is up already and onshore by 4 to 5kts and the sea surface is lightly chopped.  The air temp is 64 and the water is checking in at 66.0.  High tide is at 9:33am +3.0' and low tide follows at 2:11pm +2.0'.  We have a SSW swell out of 192º at 2.6' and the surf is poor to poorer.  It's like it knew we couldn't play today... W hen trying to develop a seat warmer goes terribly wrong (#3).  Silver lining?  Yes!  We now have 3 orders from Sing Sing, San Quentin and Folsom... H ope you're going to have a great Fourth of July!  Despite everything going crazy ...